I would have to second the new Artisan 335 B, I visited Artisan on Saturday and was all set to purchase the Toro 3200. Jerry, asked me what I woudd be
sewing, I said mostly handbags and belts. Anywhere from 2oz to 14oz, using 69 to 138 thread. He thought the Toro 3200 was way over kill for my purpose.
As I brought samples to sew, the 335B worked very smoothly with my light weights as well as two 7oz belt leather sewen toghther. I truyly got a machine that really
fit my needs, the operation was nice and smooth, and I saved about $500 from the Toro. I bought the roller edge guide, which worked great, it also folds up away from
the work area when not needed. I bought the U table, so when I need the cylinder arm I am able to sew handbags. Also got the attachable work table when I want
to sew liners. All in all a really great machine for my needs, and I really appreciate Jerry taking the time in finding the right machine for my needs, as well as coming
in on his day off to meet with me. Will post an update at a later date.