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    San Francisco-ish, CA United States

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    Career in Leather craft/saddle repair, info/training
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  1. just let me know if you didn't get the pictures. There is not verification that the messages were received. thanks.

  2. Thank you. Much appreciated!
  3. I might be interested in the 3 corner plates. Would you be willing to do a pressing of them to show the quality of the impressions? Would just like to know before I buy how they will look. Thanks!
  4. Interested- will pm you.
  5. Sending PM :-)
  6. Gotcha. Usually I'm too late by the time I see these posts and the things I would like to have are already gone!
  7. I'm interested in the bag punch. What are you asking? I don't see any prices for any of the items. Thanks
  8. I’ve seen them in cobblers tools and occasionally in saddlery tools but I think they were used to trim soles.
  9. I'm interested. I'll pm you. :-)
  10. I would love to see the English as well! I just pm'd you my email address. As I mentioned, my mom was a saddle maker and specialized in sidesaddles. I used to ride aside in my teens, have done clinics and seminars, manned booths and always get a little rush of excitement when I hear someone mention sidesaddles. I have a few nice ones that need work as well as a few that are going to be complete rebuilds. I don't have a sidesaddle problem, I can stop collecting them any time I want. ;-)
  11. Thanks cowboycolonel and Rossr for the guidance. For some reason I didn't get notification of your replies. I'll let my friend know what the thought is about it being one off and about the option of having the tool made. It's good to have such a resource! I can safely say we (my little sidesaddle fixing chat group) would all love to see pictures of it if you'd be willing to share!
  12. Hello all, Looking for a rising (or setting) sun camouflage tool to match what is on this strap of this vintage sidesaddle. The saddle could be anywhere from 80-120 years old. The strap was broken and someone used nails to "repair" it. The owner said she will only replace the whole strap if she can match the tooling exactly. Otherwise, we trim, skive, overlap and stitch where the break is. I haven't seen this particular tool before so am hoping someone in the community has. If it's available, we would be ecstatic. Thanks in advance! Anita
  13. I am interested! Will PM you.
  14. If you happen to come up with any more, I'm still interested. Thanks!
  15. For someone like me who has a Dremel tool but no drill press, the little burnisher is the best tool for the job and, as many others have said, I don't think it is overpriced for the quality of product and usefulness of it. Never assume no one will want something you make. If you make it well, they will buy. :-)
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