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    gurnee, il

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    motorcyle gear
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  1. Really nice work. Whats the liner? Glazed pig?
  2. Davids back!!!! Sorry for the excitement, learned most, if not all, of what i know of start to finish seat building from davids contributions on this site. Glad to see you're making seats again.
  3. The incomparable christian marsh of xian leather is producing some insightful and personal videos that can be found on his youtube channel " christian xianleather marsh." Its as much about life as it is about leatherwork. Well worth watching and absorbing all that it has to offer. Though he is no longer making seats and motorcycle items, i figured the most appreciation would come from people who are familiar with his work. Enjoy
  4. I only use oil dye... so i can just speak for its success with that. But i dont see why it wouldnt. Do a search on forum bout resolene and im sure someone will have already addressed that topic. Good luck
  5. I finish my seats with resolene then use kiwi nuetral. Give kiwi a try.
  6. Forgot... kiwi nuetral after resolene
  7. Pre airbrush dying and after. I assemble seat, then dye. More specifically. .. I Dip dye natural kangaroo lace. Lace. Airbrush dye seat with fiebings and denatured alcohol mix. Resist 2 coats of rtc. Antique with fiebings cut with tan kote. Then, 3 coats resolene. Dying after assembly cuts down the chance of an undyed section showing through.
  8. Thanks for the kind words. Just got an accufast west eagle style pan for seat number 4.
  9. sorry for the confusion... here are the details: - 6-7 HO top - 5-6 tandy economy bottom (wont do that again...too light and the not the best quality. ripped through lace holes on nose) - 1/4 kang lace mexican braid - 1/8 kang lace single loop detail - fiebings walnut dye (big fan of color: one a fiebings few browns without heavy orange or red undertones) - fiebings black antique paste - built on biltwell slimline seat pan
  10. pictures not cooperating. will post shortly
  11. Seat number three built for my personal bike. as the title says, alot of the detail and construction was derived from david theobald seats and instructional posts on forum. -
  12. Thanks for the kind words. One riding season and still holding strong.
  13. better pics to show curve of pan. takes a few seconds once you sit on it to find a happy place. once you're there, its all good. seat is sitting on a drop seat swinger shovel.
  14. a challenging pan with xian leather inspired design. 7-8 herman oak top 5-6 herman oak bottom 1/8 roo mexican basket lace 1/2 inch neoprene foam saddle tan airbrush in different dilutions 4 coats resolene,1 coat kiwi nuetral
  15. Got it. Thanks for the info. Once again, looks great.
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