Follow up on visiting Tippmann Industrial Products.
Yesterday I made a 3 hour drive to Fort Wayne, Indiana with my used Boss. Ben Keck greeted me and was the technician who helped me go through the machine for re-adjustment. Two hours later and free replacement of some parts and updated parts cost under $30.00, resulted in a machine now in new working condition. Total cost was under $50.00 and the knowledge gained on set up and adjustment, priceless. I found the shop to be rather small (maybe 150' x 100') with very experienced staff building every gear, body, casting and workings (100% build in plant at Ft. Wayne). This is top shelf service you do not expect which included a plant tour of production (they no longer have a minimum $100.00 fee).
I can say that the Boss can easily get out of adjustment over time and needle placement is critical when changing along with spring tensions. Ben mentioned many times he's opened a machine to find it packed in grease which stops it from operating correctly (you should not grease internal parts as they will not need it). Factory service is highly suggested and many upgrades are done which will help your used machines, some at no charge. I hope this answers some questions in this forum and feel free to respond.
As far as the dealership drops are concerned, lets just say there may be an issue with the former distributor pending, concerning politics and patent rights.