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    Spokane Washington
  • Interests
    Leather work, colt starting, problem horses, horsemanship lessons, team penning.

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  1. I figured there was a catch. Thanks for responding Steve. Guess I just need a bigger stitcher for some of the thicker projects. Some day.
  2. Has anyone modified their 618sc by shaving the walking foot to accept thicker leather? Will it work? I just need a couple mm more thickness.
  3. Your spur straps look fine,but you might be cautious about your background. Cropping can reduce the clutter in your picture, and prevent unwanted distractions from the main focus.
  4. Elton you must have some wealthy cowboys up ther to afford chaps that nice! ha.. I like every aspect of them, but like Mark, I marvel at all the stitching. Makes me tired just thinkin bout it. Great work!
  5. Thank you Merlin, you were right on the nose about the border going all the way around. It was part of my original drawing, then, thinking it would be less cluttered I changed it. And refining the interior is something I want to get better at. Your sugestion for some carving, is somethig I may incorporate on the next one. The customer was happy though, so I guess thats what counts.
  6. Here is a commisioned project I finished up last week in time for X-mas. As always, there are things I'd do different, or wish I knew how to do better, but critique away please. All input is welcome. Merry Christmas guys and gals.
  7. Once again, Elton raises the bar. Pretty dang fancy! I really like your work Amigo. Between you and Tim of TK leather, I'm inspired to get back down in the shop and try and up my game. ha
  8. No one mentioned your stand, and it looks like you put as much care into that as the saddle. Nice job on both, I like the saddle quite a lot. What did it end up wieghing?
  9. Ok Butterhead, I'll chime in since you seem so starved for affection.LOL I'm actually jealous Tim, looks great. I'll try and get over and see it in person. Maybe you've restocked the adult beverage cab since I was over last.
  10. Some slobber straps I made fo a client who's horse I have in training.
  11. Great website Mark! I did'nt mean to "pirate" your ideas and design. If I decide to build some, I'll order your pattern. I think they would be a real convenience. Thanks...
  12. Great design Mark, most of the buckle ones end up just plain. I like these. Can I borrow your idea?
  13. Jon, this saddle is so beautiful, I have made it my desk top feature so I can stare at it on occasion.Only problem would be tht its just so flawless, I can't imagine taking it from the display stand to a working environment. The lines are exceptional. Hope you post more of your work. Thanks, Randy
  14. Man...thats above and beyond Kool! Makes me want another Harley so I could try making a seat for it. Thanks for sharing.
  15. Tim, you're gettin to be one of the real hands on here. Nice chinks as usual.
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