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Status Updates posted by Johanna

  1. We're glad to have you here. Kick off your shoes, help yourself to the coffee and make yourself comfortable.

  2. Ready for the IFoLG show in St Louis next month?

    1. David


      I wish I were ready.....But, not so.

  3. Sounds like we have a lot in common! Welcome to LW! Cheers from the St Marys area!

  4. I'm probably the only person at my house that looks forward to Mondays.

  5. Welcome to LW! Glad Victor sent you here- make yourself comfortable and help yourself to the coffee and cookies.

  6. Thanks to everyone for the kind words and encouragement!

  7. Anyone else think the pages are loading faster?

    1. terrahyd


      thank you very much..you are loved by all of us

  8. Whew! Kate, thanks for all your help! Couldn't do it w/o you!

  9. Anyone have a good 12 string guitar they are willing to part with?

  10. RIP Richie Hayward, longtime drummer for Little Feat..

  11. I'm trying to fix the "whi is in the chat room" feature. If anyone gets kicked out, it was me (by accident).

  12. This is a family friendly board. If you would like access to the adult area, just let me know. Please watch your language and symbols on the main board. Thank you for your cooperation.

  13. If you are logged in, you have more board permissions and you see all the pics.

  14. Hey, I wanna see a website! What's the URL?

  15. How do you all like the improvements? Anything you want to see? Anything you hate? Let us know in the feedback section. Thanks!

  16. Kate, why didn't we think of Pandora first?

  17. We're still working on the board. We appreciate your patience. Lots of improvements coming!

  18. Thanks for sharing the Robb Barr pics. Brought back some happy memories. :)

  19. Glad you made it here! Don't forget to set up an account in the directory section with all your contact info!

  20. Mokosh- You got that right!! :)

  21. Hey Zepp- are you a Pink Floyd fan? Welcome to LW!

  22. Dobre dien! (How bad is my spelling?)

  23. I think the world of your mom and dad, and we are praying for your family. I hope the doctors fix your dad up quickly and get him home to heal up. Give your mom an hug from Johanna.

  24. Any Steelers fan is a friend sof mine! Welcome to LW!

  25. Gary, thank you soooo much. I am strapping a mirror to the side of the house in anticipation. When I see a crocus I will do a happy dance in the flowerbeds.

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