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Status Updates posted by Johanna

  1. Thank you for ALL the help over the last week! Not every leatherworker is also a geek!

  2. I think the pics are BACK! Please let me know if you see any other issues on the board. Thanks everyone!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Johanna


      I don't know if you can get rid of the status updates. I'll have to look around and get back to you. Thank you, Uwe, I know it's a big deal, and I'm glad we could get it resolved! :)

    3. Tree Reaper

      Tree Reaper

      I got rid of it before, a year or two.

      Someone else had asked how to do it and it was a relatively short and painless process.

    4. chuckgaudette


      I don't see a close box once you open the photos


  3. We do not have a store. This website does not sell leather. Ignore the store button please.There is nothing to buy. 

    1. Tex


      Shute maybe you ought to sell some good Leather Worker caps. Would bring in little money for the site. Everyone would like to have a nice cap.

  4. If you are having trouble logging in, use your display name instead of your user name. If you need your log in reset I need a display name or email addy to find you.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Constabulary


      Found the board settings but this thing still pops up - I HATE IT!


    3. pokerhiih


      Nice update,but still toooo many categories. Just my opinion  

    4. Grey Drakkon

      Grey Drakkon

      I found out that the login was highly offended that I didn't put a space inbetween "Grey" and "Drakkon". ;)  

  5. The board is still updating...stay tuned!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. tardis86


      gotcha. looks great btw. love the new layout

    3. tardis86


      So are some of the photo attachments just forever gone now?

    4. Johanna


      No, we are receiving help from the software developers right now.

  6. Don't do anything to your computer! We are doing some updates, and things may get weird, but we will be back better than ever! :)

    1. Constabulary
    2. Dwight


      Does that statement carry a money back guarantee??? lol

  7. Chatroom is back online!

  8. The chat room is down right now. Working to get it back online.

    1. Halitech


      awww who broke the chat? I bet it was that kiwi fella, he's always messing things up

    2. onlyoblivion


      Thanks! I need my leather talk!

    3. Rossr


      Thanks Johanna!!

  9. Sorry for th outage, folks! Investigating the why now.

  10. I don't care if you're sassy, just keep it classy.

    1. capsterdog
    2. DoubleC


      Thanks Johanna, we surely try!

  11. Leather is forever, unless you let it dry rot.

    1. Sylvia


      Even then grind it up and mix it with glue can use it as clay. :P

  12. Do not adjust your computer! Working on the adserver.

    1. JLSleather


      WE are controling the horizontal and the vertical ...

  13. Wishing I were in Denver for the IFoLG show!

    1. Bob Blea

      Bob Blea

      It was fun, learned a lot. Wish you could have made it.

    2. Studio-N


      I wish I was anywhere but here!

  14. Did you notice Nik Wallenda's shoes? They were custom made for him by his mother of elkskin.

    1. LNLeather


      Well I had to search for that one - and learned some interesting facts and a new word... Those shoes look Might comfy. This kind of supple footwear gave him maximum protection and proprioception.

    2. tkirwan


      did he survive the walk??

    3. Dwight


      Thanks, Johanna for the laugh, . . . sometimes my eyes don't focus right, . . . and I swore your post said elf skin, . . . and I was wondering which little elf donate skin for the project, . . .

  15. Sign in a leather shop: "I can make anything with enough of my time and enough of your money!"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. chancey77


      CLASSIC! Also here sometimes at 8-18 but maybe not on monday tuesday wednesday thursday or friday...maybe you should call and make an appointment:)

    3. Genyfer Belle
    4. bizbeblu


      From an old mechanic: "You can put a rocket engine in a submarine if you have enough time and money."

  16. We just reached 35,000 registered members here at leatherworker.net!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rawhide


      Wow, I didn't think that many leatherworkers still existed!

    3. celticpride



      that's the way to go

    4. TwinOaks


      Gee, having been a '4 digit' member...i'm starting to feel OLD

  17. Leatherworker near Orange County CA needed for custom carving job. PM me for details.

  18. Sorry about the down time tonight. The host said there was an electrical problem. I don't know if lightning struck the building or if the janitor unplugged us, but it's good to be back online.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bob Blea

      Bob Blea

      By the way, thank you Johanna and everyone who helps keep this site running!

    3. Beaverslayer


      TwinOaks, my tin foil hat was securely in place all during the outage. As a matter of fact, when the lightning hit, I too felt the effects, it was quite electrifying for a moment or two...

    4. groovytech


      Is the host near the Superdome?????

  19. A server data center in Utah went down today, and so did we. Thanks everybody for your kind words!

    1. Beaverslayer


      I had my tinfoil hat on all day, and I swear I was no wheres near Utah...

    2. Northmount


      Happy to see everything back up. Now relax for the night.


  20. Trying to speed things up a little this morning. Thanks for your patience.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Johanna


      I think I got it this time! Whew!

    3. TwinOaks


      Jo, please check your PMs. We have a new sponsor application.

    4. celticleather


      We're sailing again! Thanks Jo!

  21. Whew. Sorry about that, folks. Growing pains. We're online again! (does happy dance!)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bruce johnson

      bruce johnson

      TSA took mine. I'll have another one tonight.

    3. silverback


      Hi Johanna,i know your having problms,just thought i would let you know im getting lots of sql errors and major hangups.you can only do your best,good luck with it.

    4. Johanna


      I've been working with tech support for the last 3 days. I hope we get this resolved for good this morning. I'm sorry for the problems!

  22. In youth we learn; in age we understand.

    1. oldtimer


      In age we forget!

    2. TwinOaks


      wisdom is understanding that all the things you were told not to do are the cause of all the aches you know so well.

    3. LNLeather


      Hey Johanna, are you still having problems with the gallery pictures? on my profile, the large pictures of the thumbnails are not showing up..... Thanks for all of your help!

  23. Thanks everyone for all your patience during the upgrade. Keep the feedback coming. We want the board to work for you, your way. Let us know what we can do to improve your experience. And check out the new chat room... hope you like it!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Johanna


      Trox, click on the little balloon looking icon to the right of "view new content". That's a quick navigation menu and assistant. HTH

    3. Trox


      Ok, thank you Johanna. You hid that one well.

    4. shtoink


      There was an upgrade?


  24. I appreciate your patience with the Gallery. We are working on resolving the problem ASAP. And yes, haha, the blue is temporary. I don't want to paint until I get this other stuff fixed. Thank you all for bearing with me.

    1. TwinOaks


      It's all good, I just thought I'd gone a little loopy for a bit. After the initial eye shock, I started playing around a bit and the site does work much faster...I thought it was ME slowing down. PHEW!!! Thank you Johanna

    2. LNLeather


      Yeah! All the new stuff And it is Faster! WooHoo!

    3. Ryan Mitchell

      Ryan Mitchell

      I like the new color scheme, however the main brown doesn't seem as appeasing as the blue did, it just seems to loose it's depth. Can you transfer over the "LW Home" leather like Background over here in the forums? BTW the "Education, Entertainment & Fellowship!" at the top is a we bit small and hard to read with the brown.

      Love what your doing with the site though! Keep it up,

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