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  • Gender
  • Location
    Willard, MO
  • Interests
    I work full time in ministry, and love what I do. Church planting in Willard, and things are going well.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Holsters, knife sheaths, and a little of this and that.
  • Interested in learning about
    Everything leather. I love it.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Google searching topics.

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  1. Thanks everyone. I really do enjoy making and selling these. They have been doing well. Here is my shop on Etsy - https://www.etsy.com/shop/JBLeathers I always appreciate any interest! Thanks, JOE
  2. I have started taking apart old baseball gloves and repurposing them. I am doing these wallets right now. I really like them. I have sold several, and have quite a bit of interest. What do you guys think of them?
  3. Thanks Dwight. I really wanted to perfect making these and get it right before moving on and "specializing" too much. But, I appreciate your suggestion. As always, I learn new things everyday!
  4. This is a group of holsters I have recently made that I will be taking to some local "Cowboy Action" shoots. I tried to show a variety of looks among this group, with different colors and slight design differences. What do you think of them? Which one is your favorite?
  5. I really like this one. Maybe because it fits me, since I am a preacher! The edges get better with every one that I do. You learn lithe "tricks" and I take more time at certain places in the process. Hope you like it.
  6. Thanks gentlemen. I appreciate it. I really like this style of holster, and after making about 5 of them I feel I am getting better at making them. It always takes a few of something to learn how to get it "right"!
  7. This is my latest holster. Solid black leather with black stitch work. Turned out really nice. Has a great look and feel and sits nicely away from the body for quick draw use. Let me know what you think of it!
  8. ResizedImage_1400642846908.pdf Here is a pic of the holster after a little more cutting, sanding and polishing...
  9. I worked on that edge with the welt some more. Looks much better. Thanks for the motivation!
  10. Hermann Oak rubbed with oil, burnished with saddle soap. Tie-down and hammer thong for keeping the weapon safely in place. I really like this one and the hair-on cowhide strap across the front. Very comfy and the leather feels excellent.
  11. Here is the Bible cover that my son and I made for his new Bible. He is graduating high school and about to head off to college and join our other son at Oklahoma Christian in Edmond, OK. They are both studying ministry. Proud of my boys for following in their dad's footsteps!
  12. That gun is a Cimarron firearms .357. Nicely made, in a stainless finish. It is an attractive piece of work. Personally, I have always been partial to the Rugers (Vaquero and Blackhawk), but it is a nice weapon.
  13. This is a quickdraw style, John Wayne-esque holster. Antiqued, Hermann Oak leather, 2 layers of 6/7 weight to be exact. I like the way it turned out, although I did have to adjust my Cobra 3 a couple of times during stitching. I learn more every time I use it. Had to turn up the tension on the foot and feed dog to sew through that super thick leather at the top of the seam side where I had built up the leather with 2 welts (plugs). Got it done though!
  14. This is my first attempt at a Mexican loop. Black, with full lining, and old coin concho. What do you think?
  15. I made this sheath for a friend in Arkansas who runs a pawn shop and recently bought this handmade knife. The gentleman who makes the knives is excellent at making knives, but not as good at making leather sheaths! Then I made this holster from horse leather for an older Ruger Service Six .357 Mag. It is a nice older gun, and I tried to make a holster that was attractive and hand formed without being too fancy. He wanted something simple.
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