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Everything posted by tmwp43

  1. tmwp43

    Tangle Boss

    Sorry for delay but I did find the Facebook posting today.
  2. tmwp43

    Tangle Boss

    I can't find it now but Tim Judd (Las Vegas) posted on Facebook about a week ago the he had some Tanglebosses for sale. You might try the Tanglefoot Traders website (http://www.tanglefoottraders.com) or their Facebook page and send them a instant message. Good luck
  3. I don't know for sure. These are photos I collected while doing research on how to make the striking sticks.
  4. I've picked Katalox for my attempt at making one of these striking sticks. It has a Janka hardness of 3660 and I estimate the finished piece should weight in at somewhere between 2.5 and 3 lbs.
  5. My current collection. As I am sure you can tell some I prefer over others. There have been some that have come and gone. Usually to someone that felt more in-tune with them than I did. I am really looking forward to trying my new creations, once they are finished. Tane
  6. Wow. I want to thank everyone for their contributions to this thread. I am amazed that my curiosity has sparked such a great discussion and sharing of knowledge. I appreciate all of you, wish you the best and look forward to any additional postings. Tane
  7. Thank you Bruce. You have made my day. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with me. I'm even more excited to get this project started now. Hopefully that can take place on Tuesday. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Tane
  8. a couple more examples
  9. Thanks for the input Chas. I will try to post some pictures. I haven't figured out how to do that yet. I have several mauls and rawhide mallets. I'm just interest in trying new ways of doing things. To make sure i'm not missing something I might like better or that could improve my product.
  10. I’m here to confess my curiosity about Stricking / Tooling Sticks, along with my lack of knowledge about them. I am hoping this community can help me to understand the construction and use of these sticks so I can reproduce one or two for myself. I am very excited to try tooling with one. I have some these sticks that similar to a maul. Others I’ve seen are 18” to 20” long. Some with both ends square and a handle in between, others with square end and tapered to the opposite end. I’m somewhat confused as to the use of the longer version. Questions: 1). Is the extra length just there for counter balance? Also used like a maul? 2). Or is the extra length used of the lever point, using it and the elbow resting on the table as the pivot point? I have purchase enough Katalox I believe to make a long and a short version, but need your help/input before I can make the first cut. Thank you Tane
  11. I have two Landis #1s. One rebuilt and the other being rebuilt. With my first one I got a copy of the owners manual. I have scanned it and can send you a PDF if you'll let me know where to send it.
  12. Try Eli at Landis Sales & Service   Address: 115 E Co Rd 500 N, Arthur, IL 61911 Phone: (217) 543-3464 He has had everything I've needed so far.
  13. I would like to purchase the two flower centers, if they are still for sale. Tane
  14. Have you sold the glue pot yet? If not let me know and I will take it.
  15. I was wondering if you have sold your machine yet. If not I was wondering if you might be willing to sale some of the spare parts. I have two Landis #1. one is complete and the other is missing a few things and I would be interested in purchasing parts if that is somthing you would consider.
  16. tmwp43

    Landis #1 Parts

    You're right for a spare it doen't work for me at a $1000.00. I'll let you know if I run across someone look for a working machine. I'm just hoping I can find parts, maybe from one of the worn out ones out there. Most of the stuff I need are not real ware parts so maybe I'll get lucky.
  17. tmwp43

    Landis #1 Parts

    Thats kinda how this whole thing got started. I have a complete complete machine and I bought another one for spare parts and now I have taken it on as project. I have the spare one broke down and about ready to have it powder coated. I was hoping that I could find one that is in bad shape but has the right parts I could salvage. The spare one I have is operational when its together, it just not orginal. How much are they wanting for the one you know about? I'm afraid the cost of the machine and shipping from SD to TX might be a little more than I want to invest is a project piece, but you never know.
  18. If anyone has spare parts for a landis #1 or a machine they are willing to part out I am looking. Below are some of the parts that I am most interested in finding. Upper and Lower tension springs Tension Screw Tension spring Bracket Nut on Take-up spring and all thread Raising Lever for Pressure Foot Pin to Trip lifting dog shuttles needles bobbins
  19. Thank you for the advise. I had thought maybe that would work, but its always good to have someone with experience confirm it.
  20. I'm looking for a somewhere to purchase or have made a replacement blade for an CS osborne #171 leather splitter. Any ideas? Thanks. Tane
  21. tmwp43

    Wax/lube Pot

    Thank you very much
  22. tmwp43

    Wax/lube Pot

    I hope someone here can help me. I'm looking for a new or used wax/lube pot I can modify/mount to use on my landis #1. I really like using linen thread and it needs to be lubricated. The only wax/lube pot I have found was way more expense that I want to pay for a plastic box and a couple of pins. Any help you can provide will be appreacted. Tane tmwp43@yahoo.com
  23. Let me know about payment and maybe we can work something out. tmwp3@yahoo.com
  24. Hello, I might be able to help you out. I have a memograph copy of a Landis #1 manual. I could scan it in and email it to you. Only thing it was copied on yellow paper and I'm not sure how well it will scan. Second this is it might be early next week before I can get it done. I've been meaning to scan it any way just in case something were to happen to this copy. It is about 20 pages long I'm guessing If you want, send me your email address and I will do my best to get it to you next week. They are beautiful machines. I've had my stored for several years but thinking about geting it out again and putting it back in shape. Tane Moore
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