I doubt you did that with the sprayer it looks just everyday wear and stuff being stacked on it as already mentioned I use an air compressor to blow the loose the dirt off then blue foam cleaner and water and a tooth brush to get down into the tooling grooves . the foaming helps lift the dirt . and brush gently for the really stubborn dirt down in the tooling grooves I use a hand held pump srayer and on the tightest setting and squirt the dirt out . then let it dry out completely at room temp this can take several days depending on the humidity, after its completely dry I will put a product like Bic 4 on it restore the fats in the leather don't saturate the leather with oil light coats for restorations . If its a work saddle the power washer works just stay back a little . the water wont hurt the leather as long as you let it dry out and replace the fats in the leather without saturating it.