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  1. Thanks for the replies!
  2. I tooled out a thin piece of leather that I had used painters tape on the back (flesh side). When I removed the tape it pulled up the fibers something awful. It looks like a grizzly bears back now. How can I return to the smooth condition it was before? I don’t have a glass burnisher but I can get one if needed. Would a burnisher damage my tooling?
  3. Do you use wax on linen thread? Thanks
  4. I was thinking about making a western holster as authentic as possible so linen would probably be the best thread. Thanks for the replies.
  5. I ‘ve never used linen thread but I may try it on a project in the near future. Why would you use linen instead of nylon or polyester? Does it have benefits over the newer man-made threads?
  6. Thanks everyone
  7. When you bevel the edge of leather do you do it while it’s still cased or dry? I can never seem to do a good job and I’m thinking of buying a better edger to see if that’s the problem. When I got a good swivel knife (and blade) it made a huge difference in my carving. Then again, maybe I need a lot more practice.
  8. Update I followed the given advise from yall and it turned out great. I used a 50/50 mix of Resolene and it is not too shiny after all. I think using a too-small test piece of leather gave the illusion of too much shine. Anyway, thanks again.
  9. This is my first time using Resolene so I tried it on scrap pieces first.The first piece received straight undiluted resolene and the second I diluted 50/50 with water. The undiluted was definitely too shiny for my taste and the second was less so, but I would like it to be a little less shiny. Can you dilute it even more and get good results? Thanks
  10. Thanks again.
  11. I mostly make items using the above mentioned thicknesses. I’m considering getting a more expensive edger than I currently own and want to get one for these sizes right now and maybe add others later on. Thanks
  12. Thanks. I think I’ll go ahead and try it.
  13. I’m making a belt and I’m trying to decide which finish to use, SnoSeal or a clear finish from Tandy. Considering that the belt will be flexed constantly and be subjected to the weather and rough use by a kid I’m wondering which would be best. Any thoughts? Thanks
  14. Has anyone applied a finish over Angelus paint? I have Tandy Professional Finish on hand and trying to decide whether to use the finish or SnoSeal. Thanks
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