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About tonyc1

  • Birthday 12/12/1943

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Leatherworker (3/4)

  1. hi do you have the gt recipes thancks

    e-mail is


    many thanck bob

  2. Great job! Very pleasing. Tony
  3. I agree, 100% Tony
  4. I would suggest that before you do the actual turn, lift the needle up slowly until you're certain that the bobbin thread has been actually picked up and the lockstitch is complete. Tony.
  5. It's easier if you use a Half buckle instead of a Full buckle also! Tony.
  6. I like Lino offcuts for most patterns. Easy to cut and stiff enough to hold their shape! Tony.
  7. I've only ever had 2 patchers since '67 this one and a k58 I think and they both had a screw like this that locked the position of the feet. I always assumed that they came from the factory like this. Tony.
  8. I think you'll find that it is called a Pitman arm. Tony.
  9. While I'm happy to set the rivets by hand, it may be theoretically possible to peen them with something like a small hammer drill with a suitable setter attached to it. This would be an exercise for some innovative thinker to experiment with! They say that necessity is the mother of invention! Tony.
  10. They look like what we call Scones. We often have them as sweet variety with raisins, sultanas or dates in them or a savoury type with onion and bacon and cheese in the mixture and also just plain, it depends what sort of mood the "Kitcheneer" is in on the day. Very nice! Tony
  11. Likewise. Many thanks.
  12. Yeah, I'm the same! Perhaps it is Firefox
  13. I can't even find "today's active content"!
  14. Lefflers would skin a louse for it's hide and want top dollar for it!
  15. As far as I know, Lefflers are the only ones with any reputable named tools like Dixon. Birdsall have some Tandy stuff which I don't even consider. I don't think the modern Dixon tools are anywhere near as good as the old ones were especially punches. If I was going to buy any Dixon tools it is much cheaper to buy from the UK and I told the traveller from Lefflers exactly that and showed him the receipts to prove it!. I like the "Rons" edge tools I bought from the US a few years ago, I reckon they are top stuff. Tony.
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