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  • Location
    West Central Mn
  • Interests
    Guns, motorcycling, and gardening.

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    Holsters,cases, scabbards, & leather jacket repair.
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  1. That is really nice work. Beautiful stamping, wish mine would look like that.
  2. Thank you for your input guys, I ordered a couple spools of v69 bonded poly from amazon; hopefully it's ok. Are there any brands you prefer? I hope to at least get it spooled up and make sure it works within a few days. If anyone knows where to find some cams, please let me know.
  3. If I were to order some v69 polyester thread, is there a brand that's better than others for strength or longevity? Will my size 120/19 needles will work with that size of thread? There are a few needles in sizes 14, 16, 18 also. With no thread, I ran the machine by hand through doubled 3-4 oz veg tan scrap and it seemed to go through like butter. I did notice the cord prongs are worn and corroded very thin, so that will have to be first thing. When I got home I felt some resistance rolling by hand; opened to clean and lube and found it was plum full of dog food! Evidently, someone was using it for a home. Cleaned and lubed everything runs nice and smooth without thread.
  4. Hello everyone, I've been wanting a machine to do lighter materials than what my Cowboy 4500 is ideal for, and came home yesterday with an early 217 in a table with the cam box on the back. Came with boxes full of feet and plates and a bunch of stuff I don't even know what it is for. I am thinking light leather, Cordura, and waxed and non waxed canvas. What size and type of threads should i be using for these materials? Alot of 287wh 120 and 287 1738 needles in the box; are these any good for what I want to do? I have no thread other than the big stuff for my Cowboy, so will have to order some; what do I need that will stand up for outdoor and hunting projects? Best sources? I'm also wondering where I could get some pattern cams for the back of this machine. There is one on it with # 21 on it, I don't know what that means. Hope I didn't make a dumb purchase, but the price was right. I would like to put a servo motor on it, as the speed of this thing looks scary. Any advice or input as where to start with this thing would be greatly appreciated. There is an impressive wealth of knowledge here so figured this was the place to ask. Thank you.
  5. Bought a C.S. Osborne new push beveler but was surprised to see that its “beveler” is a blunt sharp-edged end that slices rather than widens and smoothies. I am completely taken aback. It’s nothing like I expected.

    Has anyone had this issue?

  6. I see no responses to this. I am also interested in making new pockets for my table, so will bring it back to the top. Noone here has done this?
  7. I have a wall in my shop with more than a few screw ups hanging. Some leather work, some woodworking. Some drew blood, even a trip or 2 to the ER. I call it the Wall of Shame. I'm hoping the reminders will keep me on my toes. If nothing else it gets a laugh out of others!
  8. I have someone wanting to make a shoulder holster for 1911. What I need and can't seem to find is the hardware that the straps run through that can swivel in the leather. It looks like almost all holsters of this style use them. If you look at Miami Vice style or a Jackass rig it's the 4 pieces that join the straps to the holster and mag pouch. Also, what would be the best for strap length adjustment? Thanks.
  9. Runamuck

    Hide House

    Has anyone here used Hide House in California for leather. Pricing on sides seems very reasonable, just wonder if anyone has heard anything on quality of leather and if shipping is reasonable or not. Looking mainly for veg tan for belts, holsters etc.
  10. Been lurking for a few years and soaking up info from everyone. Finally jumping into leathercraft with both feet. I made my first post last week, and I just realized I never introduced myself. Anyway my name is Bill, I'm an ag mechanic and have become a leatherholic. Looking forward to learning much more, and hopefully can contribute something.
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