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Everything posted by DannyBoyCustomLeather

  1. Lots of free time on my hands so I made a few cases
  2. Looks functional got lots of character
  3. hey low life, are these letter stamps still available DannyBoy
  4. Any blue guns still available
  5. I bought a dozen, snap protectors are good, springs not so hard to find. Nice guy tho
  6. Hey guys I need to make an OWB for a SW 642 with thumb break. Any comparable internal hammer J frames to use. Thanks Dan
  7. Hey buddy I could use a few, I just can't deal with the hurry rush rush anxieties of getting them before some one else. Can we speak and work out the details. Thanks Dan DannyBoy custom leather
  8. Scott I wish I knew this from the get go, I must add to SW notes. You said I could have sizing problems even when using a blue gun, yikes , have not had any complications till now. I have substituted a SW 686 L frame for the ruger GP 100, and have done a few shims for lasers but always had good results. I stitch tight and always think minimal material and size is better. Thanks for your advice Scott and the many blessings that this forum offers Dan
  9. Camano I usually don't attempt a project without the exact blugun, to assure confidence in proper fit. I was having good success for a while, the problem I see is the FRONT SIGHT is also 1/4 maybe 3/8" bigger then the j frame snub nose that I used. My FFL reviews as well as myself failed to notice that difference.....shame. My first unhappy customer. I will have to order blue guns when needed, the cost of doing business. Dan
  10. Hi ray, new to the trade and need tools, are you able to post pics, not clear on each items difference to another. I will need 1 or 2 edgers and a Grover for sure, still available? Dan
  11. I thought so, thanks for the reply! Customer said it dont fit and I made allowances for the extra barrel etc. oh well ill see it when he sends it back and ill find an actual SW 60 to try in it...... REFUND
  12. Hey there can I use a SW "J" frame 2" to make a holster for a SW 60-15? I can work out the 3" barrel and extended extractor pin but are there any other differences I need to consider?
  13. That was some more of the best advice I could get Thank you ill save for a consew 441 with all the trimmins maybe wait for a sale ....
  14. wizcraft i see the cowboy 3200 is the smallest you recommend. 3 layers of 9-10 0z leather would be about 1/2 inch and the most a holster would require i think. read your machine series and made a list of the important features thanks, triple feed, smooth feed dog,right toe jump foot, narrow slotted jump foot, edge guide, #25 needles and at least #138 to 207 thread , servo, cylinder for small shapely holsters, lg cap bobbins. These things all make sense, and are available features of the cowboy 3200? will i find a lightly used one any where? Dan
  15. your up at this hour also thanks for the reply how much are these machines
  16. Hey guys ive been poking around the web site and all i learned is that ill need more money to buy a decent machine! im making holsters and belts by hand using 8-10 oz leather with hand tools and having a great time, perfect labor of love, creativity, technical knowledge, use of hand tools and rewarding finished product that is in demand. Great hobby time for a machine and i only put together .....$1000 juki, consew, sewtech, cowboy, any 441 would be sweet. can i find a used machine of this size? Do i get a "Starter machine just to learn why i need a better one? Do i save up more money and do it right the first time? wizard, jeff hay holsters , what do you guys think? thanks in advance Dan
  17. Hey guys I have a customer request to make a holster for a SW 327- 8 shot revolver. Can I use a SW 36 j frame blue gun for molding ? Thanks DannyBoy
  18. Jeff Hay holsters, thanks once again for your support Dan
  19. Thanks for the advice, I made the holster as a lose drop in for the SW 686 by wrapping it with a thick bag when molding, so the assumption is that the Ruger GP 100 should fit fine.
  20. I make a holster for a SW 686 L frame. Will a Ruger GP 100 fit the same holster well enough to offer a customer?
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