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Posts posted by TwinOaks

  1. If you can, find a local store that sells the bp guns and let them know of your enterprise. Turn out exceptional products and don't compromise....customer service above just about everything else. Let your customers sell your products to the next line of customers. Word of mouth is the best advertising you can get and as long as you are making good products and serving the customer well...it costs nothing extra.

  2. I've used the liquid latex used for model molding....found at hobby lobby....it WILL mask very well, but requires multiple coats. And....after several hours of fine detailed layering of diluted dyes to get just what I wanted, I found out that the liquid latex WILL remove all the dye from your carefully masked area. Be sure to seal your dye if you plan to mask over it.

  3. You did a very nice job on making the holster, the color is consistent and the stitching looks well done. However....the holster was designed/built "without compromising safety and retention", but I have to say I see little of either. The molding is not tight enough in just the hoslter, and there's no strapping to back it up....I strongly recommend this be only for the range until you have the time to test it for proper safety aspects.

  4. There have been more than a few posts on this....but, in lieu of resolene, you CAN use Mop-n-glo floor cleaner...it's an acrylic wax...just like resolene! It IS a slightly different consistency, but I've used it on a lot of things and it holds up just fine.

    And when oiling....stop 3 coats before you think you have enough on it. The oil will rapidly soak into the leather, and then will evenly disperse through it....you need to give it time to evenly disperse between coats, and before tooling or dyeing over it. As long as it isn't too heavy of a coating, overnight should be fine....24 hrs is recommended.

  5. The hole should be big enough for both threads...but just barely. On vegtan, its good if you need pliers to get the threaded needle through the hole. With garment leather being softer, you won't likely see that much difficulty.

    And just because the awl LOOKS the same, theres no way to know if the user reprofiled the edge....which is what I tend to do most of mine. Where yours may be 3mm, his/hers may be 1mm.

  6. I saw that spray but I am not sure if it goes a long way that amount? How many bags can I spray with that bottle? To me it looks quite expensive, but then - I never tried it..

    You could just spray the finish onto the leather, but i've found it works MUCH better to spray onto s piece of sheepswool then apply. The lacquer finish really needs to be rubbed into the leather, not just sprayed on top. I just sprayed a clutch purse, and the finish peeled off in large flakes.

  7. All vegtan leather os subject to darkening. IF you just want very clean leather, check with the suppliers listed at the top of the page and call them.

    When you say 'soft on both sides', do you mean that you want the soft fuzzy side, you want a soft smooth side, or that you want the leather to be nearly limp?

  8. On my ipad, there's a mostly blue button at the bottom of the fully scrolled page, dead center, that says "full version"......in the full version, at the very bottom, far left (and right by the rss symbol) is the "use mobile version" button.

  9. The second issue is because of your security settings... Most probably, not allowing cookies.

    The first part....there was at one time a 'jump to' menu, but i don't know if thwt's supported on this software version.

    If you have topics in several areas that you want to follow, you can "subscribe" to that thread and the forum will notify you of new posts.

  10. I need to acquire a laser cut and drawn image of a 1911 Gov't, on 3/4 vegtan, unfinished so I can dye it to match an existing holster. (Customer wants a 1911 on BOTH sides of the holster!)

    Overall length of the slide should be 3 inches, with the grip in correct proportions. Image needs to be of the right side of the weapon (starboard side, that is), and the profile should be the actual edges

    Regular line drawing is fine....grips, slide/frame line, trigger, and ejection port need to be identifiable, but I don't need so much detail that the checkering of the grips is visible.

    If anyone can handle this, please give me a quote on prices.


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