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About LittleL

  • Birthday 01/27/1960

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Motorcycles and leatherwork (leatherfun).

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Novice - belts, notebooks, card holders,costers, etc.
  • Interested in learning about
    All. Never to old to learn.

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Member (2/4)

  1. Very awesome. Thanks for spending the time to make such a well form tutorial. I will be looking forward to modifying mine in the next couple of weeks.
  2. I have not had any problems. Before I use them I pick up a small piece of scrap to make a pass so I get the feel before using each time. That way I have a feel before I start and I know if I need to strop it. Also, I usually cut lightly the first pass and if needed I make a second pass to go a little deeper. They are very sharp and would not take much to cut through if not careful.
  3. I have several different woodworking chisels/gouges made by Flexcut and I have been extremely happy with them and they are only around $15 to $20. I have several v and u leather gouges that do not work near as good.
  4. You may want to try and make one, they are not that difficult. I modified a pattern I found from this site, someone my know the link. I believe it was from wild rose.
  5. That is just too cool. Impressive.
  6. Really nice job. I liked everything from the lacing, color and designs on the seats to the way the star looked three dimensional on the tool bag.
  7. I have had the same issue and have written to them several times over the past months. It is frustrating when loading your cart and then not being able to order it or the coupon code does not work. I guess if I can not find it elsewhere or I need it bad enough I would have to call them. Oh well.
  8. I have a 4-in-1 Punch I purchased from Tandy that I really enjoy. I was hoping someone else made one with larger holes (1/8, 5/32, etc.). Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Tandy Punch
  9. Nicely done, thanks for sharing. You have some beautiful things there.
  10. I have been pretty unsuccessful searching the site for content. I have tried/read the Help and used the Advanced search but still can not find what I am after. Are there some tips or cheat sheet I can use in my searches. Here is a search that did not work for me, but I know it is on the site. I am sure I have seen it word for word. AOL DOT COM I also wanted to do a search for hat patterns But it brings back highlighted results of that Thanks in advance.
  11. I have seen several leather working tools on the Weaver Leather site but can not figure out how to buy them. I do not have a business and I do not sell my stuff. Based on their site they sell wholesale to retailers. Does anyone know where you can buy their tools? Thanks for the help.
  12. Nice setup you have there with lots of space. How much does a piece of granite weigh that size? That is the biggest piece I have seen outside of someone's tombstone. Does your desk have rollers or sliders, I am asking becuase it looks like you are close to the walls. Again, nice looking setup.
  13. Very nice job. I need to take a lesson from you and start using magnetic closures.
  14. I wanted to stamp in the middle of a business card holder an iron cross. I may just add a concho instead.
  15. Can anyone show or explain to me how to stamp an iron cross? The past local Tandy manager showed me how to stamp an iron cross using two or three stamps a few years ago. I have forgotten how and what stamps he used. I think one of the stamps was a F897 but I am not positive.
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