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About asoupley

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  1. For anyone interested, I attached is the template I use. It's nothing fancy, but it works. -Tony Key Fob Template.pdf
  2. @SCBrian: I cut them from hand. I made a template in Adobe illustrator, and then I print it out, use a mild spray adhesive to attach it to the leather, and then cut the lines with a knife. I am thinking about making a template out of Masonite for the future. I would love to get a clicker die made though. Would be happy to share the pdf template if anyone is interested.
  3. @Eccho: they are hand stitched. Too poor for a machine right now
  4. Here are some key fobs that I did as Christmas gifts. I ended up making 15 of them total. They are veg tanned leather, dyed with fieblings alcohol dye. This time I sprayed it through my airbrush, which worked much better!! Thanks for looking! -Tony
  5. @RyanKim3612: Thankyou for the kind words. However, I have never made any holsters... yet! As a matter of fact, this is the only thing I have posted so far. I'm going to assume you can see into the future, which means I bound for greatness! @GrampaJoel: I wasn't originally going to stitch the belt, but it just didn't look right without it. I know it serves no purpose, but I figured it was good practice
  6. Snubbyfan, that belt looks really nice. I think I am going to try 5 spi like you. Thanks for the picture!
  7. Thanks Rohn! No, it is not lined. I was thinking about doing that on some of my future belts. It is 8/9 oz leather I believe, and hand stitched. I have a new appreciation for belts now. Holy crap, I was not expecting it to take so long to stitch! The diamond punch I used puts the stitches at 8spi, which is probably excessive for a belt. Now I'm excited about doing another one
  8. Hi everyone! I've been lurking for a couple of months, and finally decided to post a picture of my work. This is the first belt I have ever made. I really enjoyed using the basketweave stamp. Constructive criticism is always welcomed -Tony
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