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  1. Changing to the Feibings Pro Dyes changed my results quite a bit. So did switching to a better quality leather. As far as using an airbrush, I've had great results with normal Feibings dye as well as their pro dye through my airbrush. Never tried thinning it though... it's already plenty thin to be sprayed. The other thing I do is instead of using those crappy wool daubers is use square piece of a wool shearling. I cut about 1.5-2" square. Trim down the wool to about 1/2". That has helped me get a better result for dye as well. Seems like using the wool dauber would always give me streaks. Just make sure to pull off any stray pieces of wool so that it doesn't stick to the finish. They work great for resolene or other top coats as well
  2. I just bought that basketweave stamp! Helluva learning curve to get it lined up right. I'm having fun using it though. Have you ever tried using a crescent or camouflage stamp along the border of the basketweave? Really helped up my belt game I think
  3. I use Wickett & Craig as well for everything from phone cases to police duty belts to saddle work. I find it easier to 'work' than Herman Oak and I think it holds tooling quite well. Plus the price of Wicket is a little better than HO. Never heard of Panhandle Leather... just looked at their website and their prices are very promising. Thanks for the info
  4. I know this is a little late, but checkout this video. He shows how to 'tune' a safety skiver:
  5. Those look great. I especially like the POW one!
  6. For anyone interested, I attached is the template I use. It's nothing fancy, but it works. -Tony Key Fob Template.pdf
  7. @SCBrian: I cut them from hand. I made a template in Adobe illustrator, and then I print it out, use a mild spray adhesive to attach it to the leather, and then cut the lines with a knife. I am thinking about making a template out of Masonite for the future. I would love to get a clicker die made though. Would be happy to share the pdf template if anyone is interested.
  8. @Eccho: they are hand stitched. Too poor for a machine right now
  9. Here are some key fobs that I did as Christmas gifts. I ended up making 15 of them total. They are veg tanned leather, dyed with fieblings alcohol dye. This time I sprayed it through my airbrush, which worked much better!! Thanks for looking! -Tony
  10. @RyanKim3612: Thankyou for the kind words. However, I have never made any holsters... yet! As a matter of fact, this is the only thing I have posted so far. I'm going to assume you can see into the future, which means I bound for greatness! @GrampaJoel: I wasn't originally going to stitch the belt, but it just didn't look right without it. I know it serves no purpose, but I figured it was good practice
  11. Snubbyfan, that belt looks really nice. I think I am going to try 5 spi like you. Thanks for the picture!
  12. Thanks Rohn! No, it is not lined. I was thinking about doing that on some of my future belts. It is 8/9 oz leather I believe, and hand stitched. I have a new appreciation for belts now. Holy crap, I was not expecting it to take so long to stitch! The diamond punch I used puts the stitches at 8spi, which is probably excessive for a belt. Now I'm excited about doing another one
  13. Hi everyone! I've been lurking for a couple of months, and finally decided to post a picture of my work. This is the first belt I have ever made. I really enjoyed using the basketweave stamp. Constructive criticism is always welcomed -Tony
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