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Everything posted by paris3200

  1. Ryan, You might want to check out www.photo.net. They have several articles on choosing a digital camera which can be found here. They also have a great forum that will be able to answer any other questions you might have. Jason PS: You can't go wrong with the Cannon Rebel XTi if you upgrade the kit lens.
  2. No one has recommend going to a saddle maker or school for instruction. Would it not be better for a beginner to get some solid instruction instead of trying to work their way through books and videos? Jason
  3. It was Opagon. I found it on her website. Jason
  4. What type of website are you wanting? Depending on what you are wanting you might consider using a Content Management System or blogging software. Those would allow you to only worry about the content and not have to bother with the html if you use a template. Jason
  5. Before the collapse someone had posted a dog leash they had made for a Christmas present. Could the owner repost that and give the details once more? I'm trying to make something similar and would really appreciate it. Thanks, Jason
  6. Well keeping with the whole music theme check out I wasted hours as a kid listening to this song. Oh an for a little music and humor how about the smothers brothers: Jason
  7. Wildrose, I believe you were referring to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYZ7EMoMu64 Jason
  8. Ken, If I'm understanding you right, your suggesting to dip dye the lace after its been cut. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks, Jason
  9. Click the button that looks like this in the editor. Then enter the address in the text field and click ok. You will then be asked what to title the link. Usually you use the address, but you can use anything you like. Click ok. You link will then be inserted. Hope that helps, Jason
  10. I'm thinking about trying to cut my own lace for braiding after reading David Morgan's Braiding Fine Leather. After looking at David's site I see he only has skins in natural or black. I was wondering if these skins could be dyed. They are bark tanned and drum stuffed. Jason
  11. Good looking hat. She's going to be very happy with it. Do you do any other hat work? Jason
  12. I'm trying to make a gun belt for concealed carry, similar to the beautiful ones Bruce Gibson has been showing around here, but I'm confused about a few things. Do both layers run the entire length of the belt. I've been studying pictures from numerous makers, but I'm still not sure one way or the other. How do I go about constructing the belt keeper. I've consulted several books and they all sew the keeper in, however I would like to use Chicago screws instead of a fixed buckle. I'm planning on dip dyeing the outer layer and leaving the inner layer natural. Do I need to do anything to the inner layer besides finishing it with a sealer? I'm planning on using Angelus Acrylic Finisher. Thanks in advance, Jason
  13. Alright now your going to have to post a picture so we can see the results. Dyeing is something I'm still trying to figure out. I've been dip dying before I assembly but I can't really get consistent results that I like. Hopefully someone else will chime in on the olive oil. Jason
  14. Thanks for the input Maxx. I'll give the saddle soap and Dr. Jackson's Hide Rejuvenator a try. I was afraid that there was nothing I could do about the pink. I might try reupholstering the ottoman depending on how difficult and expensive it will be. Jason
  15. John, I checked out your site. I especially like the boots. However I did notice that your images are huge and take quite a bit of time to load. I enjoy high resolution images when I want to see detail but I'd suggest having thumbnails for quicker page loads. Just my .02 cents as a web designer/developer. Jason
  16. I've been given a leather chair and ottoman. They have both been sitting in an old house without heating or air condition for 2 or 3 years. The chair appears to be fine, only slightly dried out. I think it just needs a good cleaning and some conditioning. Can anyone recommend how to clean it and what conditioners to apply? The ottoman however is pink and the chair is brown. Is there any way to redye the ottoman to brown so it will match the chair? Thanks, Jason
  17. Hey Bruce. You probably don't remember but you answered few questions I had over at the pistol smith forum. I stumbled onto this site several days ago and one of the first things I thought was "gee I wonder if that guy that makes those nice belts knows about this place". Obviously you do. Anyway nice belt as always. Where does one get those fancier-than-usual Chicago screws? Jason
  18. I'm no expert but I'll see if I can't help you out. In my experience there is no set amount to add for the gun. I know for a 1911 I add 1/2 an inch, but I came up with this only through trial and error. I'll outline how I do things and maybe that will get you started. I begin by tracing the outline of the gun onto thick paper like a file folder. I then draw another outline offset from the gun tracing by what I think I want to try. The offset line will eventually become your sew line. I then sketch the entire shape of the holster and add the belt loops to make sure there is enough room for sewing and the loops. Once I have a shape I am satisfied with I copy the entire design to a second file folder for later use. I then cut out the first design and assemble a holster from the file folder using tape/glue to hold it together. Using your paper holster you can get a good idea wither or not your offset was the proper size. If your careful you can actually wear your paper holster with an UNLOADED gun around the house to ensure that the cant is correct. Just remember that your leather is going to be thicker than the paper and you need to allow for that. As long as your paper holster isn't extremely tight you should be fine. If you find that you don't like the design for any reason simply start again and make the appropriate adjustments. I've been known to go through several iterations of the a "paper holster" in order to get a design just right. If you take the time in this step you won't waste leather down the road. Once I'm happy with my design I use the 2nd copy to create a cutting template as well as a sewing template. Using the templates I cut out the leather. Glue the 2 pieces together only between the sew lines. I then even up my edges and sew the holster together. After sewing is complete I finish my edges. The last thing I do is the molding. Any of that make sense? If not let me know and I"ll see if I can't clear it up for you. Jason
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