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About paulburnett

  • Birthday 07/15/1938

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  • Location
    Mount Jackson, VA
  • Interests
    Teaching and Experimenting in the art of Leather Ornamentation.

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  1. I am working on a new video course "The Artistic Approach to Leather Carving" I hope that I can demostration some of "hard to comprehend" things so that they are better understood.
  2. Hello Everyone - I've started a series of DVD's to show leather workers step-by-step, in real-time, my philosophy of carving leather. I decided to do this demonstration in real time because I wanted to make sure you understand the whole process, from making a layout to signing the picture once completed. I wanted to show the thinking process that goes into making a good layout and how important it is that you understand what every line represents. Please visit my blog for an in-depth preview and to order the DVD today: http://paintingcow.c...g-big-horn-ram/ Paul Burnett
  3. Dave and interested others: Just being an employee of a company doesn't mean it is okay. About 30 years ago I was asked by a district manager to make 12 buckles for Texaco to give to his junior managers. He also had one made for his boss, which he gave to him. About two weeks after he picked up the order he came by the shop and asked that I not make any more "pleeeeeeeeeese!!!". He said I almost lost my job over this. I didn't suffer any consequences. You really need to get written permission by one authorized to give the permission, especially where trademarks are concerned.
  4. happy birthday,Paul

  5. Your the master of all masters, by far

  6. I would like to apologize for the lack of additional lessons to the Paul Burnett School of Leather Ornamentation here at www.leatherworker.net and the free tutorials at www.paintingcow.com. I have had to deal with some medical problems over the past three months and was no able to add to the lessons as promised. As things are more or less back to normal now, I will be adding a new lesson for the each of the courses on leatherworkers during the month of March. ONE OTHER THING. I have a carved leather picture I wish to sell. I have posted photos of the piece at www.leatherworker.net in the Market Place Forum, Finished Leather Goods Section. It is my interpretation of Frank Frazetta's women with two tigers. It was done (by me) in the early 1980's. It is a cut out appliqué on a gray suede background. I consider it to be one of my favorite carvings. As it was colored with leather dye, most of the color has faded into a nice tinted patina. It is professionally framed and measures 18"x 22". My asking price is $600 plus shipping cost. If anyone is interested, please let me know via email and we can work out the details.
  7. This is an interpretation of Frank Frazetta's women with two tigers. It was done by me in the late 1980's. It is a carved leather picture that has be cut out and applied to a gray suede background. I consider it to be one of my favorite carvings. As it was colored with leather dye, most of the color has faded into a nice tinted patina. It is professionally framed and measures 18"x 22". My asking price is $600 plus shipping cost. If anyone is interested, please let me know via email and I will send you a photo and work out the details.
  8. I have a customer who is looking for someone in the USA to make him a deer skin vest. If you are interested please supply contact information so that I can relate it to him. Thanks Paul
  9. I want to thank the many viewers who have shown interest the Paul Burnett Free School of Ornamentation. And a special thanks for those who have taken the time to sign up for the addition free tutorials posted on my web www.paintingcow.com It is encouraging, and I hope that I can keep you interested in improving your skills. Paul Burnett
  10. Hi folks. I just wanted to let you know that I have posted a new tutorial to the Free Tutorial program at www.paintingcow.com. I noticed a few weeks back that a few people mentioned they were dissatified with their pine cones. This months tutorial is about tooling a couple of basic pine cones. I will probably carry this on into another lesson in December. Also, I want to remind you that the Paul Burnett Free School of Leather Ornamentation will start right here on leatherworker.net November 1, 2009. I hope you will find them enjoyable and enlightening. I will be here to be a guiding hand to help you improve your skills in this wonder craft of ours. Thanks, Paul
  11. Thanks for your comment. I don't know if you saw the notice that I will soon be writting some more free lesson on leatherworker.net along with the one offered on the www.paintingcow.com web site. Paul
  12. Thanks again everyone, and a special thanks to Johanna for allowing me this opportunity to teach those wanting to learn. Glad to see that the current issue of the Journal has my cover and cover article. I haven't received my copy yet so I look forward to getting it soon. There is a followup article on turned back leaves and scrolls, so I don't know if that was including in this issue or one forthcoming. I also submitted a swivel knife exercise that I think you will find useful. I am encouraged by the response to my posting, both those who commented and those who viewed. Looking forward. Paul
  13. Welcome to LW, Paul! We are thrilled to have you here, and looking forward to learning from you. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance to you!

  14. Well.........a BIG THANK YOU for you comments. I look forward to serving you and others. Thanks to all who visited my post as well and didn't reply. As soon as we get a few bugs worked out we will annouce the Free School. Bless, Paul
  15. I would like to introduce myself to those who may not familiar with me and my work. I was honored by being the first recipient of the prestigious Al Stohlman Award for Achievement in the field of leather Arts. I have written and published several leather craft books and am the author and administrator of my own correspondence course in leather carving and coloring. I have been a consistent contributor to the leading leather craft magazines over the past thirty five years. I have been a frequent lecturer and demonstrator. I have actively been making a living with my craft for over forty years. My bread and butter comes from the leather feather jewelry that you can find on my web site www.paintingcow.com. In 1999 and again in 2000 my leather feather jewelry was selected by the National Wild Turkey Federation for their core banquet package, a much sought-after and highly competitive position reserved for the very best in the arts and crafts field. I occasionally have the time to create a fine art piece, some of which are realistic life-sized bird sculptures in leather. Many are in the possession of collectors throughout the world and currently being shown in the Ward and Eis Gallery in Petoskey, Michigan. You can see some example of my work by clicking on the “Gallery” button at my web site. My wife Karen (Sue) and I, along with our adopted niece Paige reside and have our studio in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Leatherworker.net will soon be offering a series of special lessons on decorating leather that are authored by me, called “The Paul Burnett Free School of Leather Ornamentation”. Watch for the announcements. Paul Burnett
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