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Everything posted by venator
Unfortunately timing requires a tech as I've been told I can't do it myself since it's too complex.
So I just wanted to thnk everyone for the opinions, suggestions, help, and support, you folks are fantastic. I picked up some size 24 needles today, non-leather but titanium. The breakage is way way way down. Now the thread breaks maybe every 5th time I reverse. Much better. Showing the video to their tech/mechanic he thinks it's an issue with the timing on the machine. Thoughts?
Well I will go buy some larger needles in the next few days, it's a shame that all the sewing stores are open 0900-1800 and I work 0900-1700 and it's at least an hour drive after work so I can't ever get to the damn things. Plus I'm currently working 7 days a week so I can't even make saturdays. Bah so frustrating.
Could well be the issue. However why wasn't in an issue before using the 207 thread?
The guys at Nick-O-Sew set it up for me when I told them what I was doing. The needle appears to say 23 and I'm using a 207 thread. They sent me a bunch of extra needles and they say 23. They told me they'd set it up for 207 thread.
I'll see what I can do. I only have an iPhone 4s... And not enough hands to sew and hold it but I'll try. I envy how easily your top thread comes through when you pull the fabric out, even when I have the tension release button pressed its a big effort and I get to watch my needles bend when I pull the leather away.
I have the manuals, unfortunately the don't seem to be helping with this. I've called central sewing, I have to have someone come out apparently so that's going to be a few hundred $$ they said. Probably for 10 min work but I guess I have to pay.
The thread seems to break most in reverse but it also breaks going forward, not quite as often but it still happens unfortunately. The spring is travelling as much as the stopper allows and no matter what I've tried I cannot seem to move the stopper to allow more travel so I think that's a set item.
I'll call tomorrow. Though I don't know if it's worth it though given that I work 7 days a week right now and the machine will be moving to Toronto at the end of May hopefully.
Here's a close up video of the thread breaking, hopefully someone can see if I've done something dumb that's causing it. Video.MOV
Please don't misunderstand, I haven't spoken with them and I'm certainly not in any way attempting to speak poorly of them. I simply don't see what someone who's thousands of miles away can do over the phone that won't cost me an arm and a leg. In my experience the further a seller is from you geographically and particularly different countries the less they're able to support their product. This is not their fault and I don't mean to sound like I'm blaming them as I'm sure that somehow this is something I did (god knows what but it must be).
I lied turns out I just got lucky a few times and it didn't break, it breaks much more easily on the dyed leather though. I can tell you that the thread breaks right as the upstroke on the needle begins.
I looked at the stop but there's no screw to loosen or adjust it, I took the whole assembly apart but even with pliers I wasn't able to move the stop in any way so I think unless someone has a better idea it's staying where it is. I bought it from Nick-O-Sew and I don't really see any point in calling them since they're in Tennessee and I'm in Alberta and there's no way I'm going to waste $1000 or more shipping it back to them for repair, I'm sure they'll just say "it worked fine when it shipped so it's your problem now" like every other retailer in the world does, and they wouldn't be wrong. Slight update, I've managed to get it sewing without breaking except when i try to sew through dyed vegetan. . . weird huh? undyed it'll rock but dyed vegetan and snappy snap snap. Unfortuantely the products I sell are dyed vegetan so that's not really helping me.
Thanks Eric, If I can't find someone locally then I'll do that, shipping from Canada is stupidly expensive so it would probably run me around $500-$600 unless I'm willing to wait 6 months for it to get there.
Well first I'll see if anyone in town makes housecalls, I'd rather pay the $500 to get them to come out than have to try and drag the thing down to a shop in a stranger's truck. It's just frustrating to pay so much then lose a ton of money because it randomly decided to stop working.
I appreciate the advice unfortunately I have no friends who can be convinced to loan me a truck as i have no friends with trucks. I'm just insanely frustrated because I dropped $2k on a machine, it was working great, then suddenly it no longer works. This has forced me to refund a number of customer orders for which I'd already purchased all the materials as well as stop taking any future orders so I'm already a lot of money there now I have to drop another $500-$600 to bring a mechanic out to fix it, assuming there's a mechanic in Edmonton who makes house calls. I'm moving to Toronto at the end of the summer and so i'm supposed to be saving for that not losing thousands of $$ due to my machine. Its been a bad week.
Besides which that was where tehy had the spring set when they reconditioned the machine and sent it to me.
I can't adjust the travel on the spring, there's a stopper and I can't seem to move it or remove it. I took the whole assembly apart but the stopper is very firmly attached so the distance that spring moves seems immutable. I put different feet on it to see if that would help (in case of a burr) and it seemed to but it is still breaking sometimes once I get the tension high enough to not pull through. . .
Not sure if the laxity in the thread should be happening or not. . . Video.MOV
Even with the tension so loose it pulls the top thread through to the bottom the thread breaks when it reverses
Snap in? It's through that spring but still snapping. Unfortunately I can't take it in anywhere as that would require a truck which I don't have.
I have this device! And when I reD the manual it doesn't seem to mention it...
Thank you. I have absolutely no idea what this means unfortunately as I know nothing about sewing machines. I am quite mechanically inclined and handy but no specific knowledge here. . . Can you simplify?
So I have a Durkopp Adler 467. Got it and it worked great. Somehow I appear to have screwed it up beyond belief and I don't know how. Basically I'm using a 207 thread (nylon, I swapped from a poly because it kept breaking strands and bunching) and when I sew it seems okay right up until I reverse then the thread breaks. On test pieces of vegetan it doesn't seem to happen but I've sewn through the same holes about 30 times on my prodject and snap snap f'ing snap. Sometimes right away, sometimes reversing, sometimes part way thoguh but always freaking snapping. I've even loosened the tension off to the point I get a nest of thread underneath and it still snaps. Help. I'm at the end of my rope and know nothing about sewing machines. Things I can say: 1) It's got a new needle, it's straight and the right way in for sure. 2) It's threaded the way it was when it arrived from NIck-o-sew 3) I've played with the top tension repeatedly but that's all. I'm going to snap soon. I desperately need help here please. STU