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Everything posted by venator

  1. When it comes to the service in the beginning he was great, worked with me to get me the machine despite me not being the easiest customer (I'll admit that one). The item was shipped quickly, packaged well etc and that was great. It was simply the fact that I was sold a "refurbished machine" that was a rolling piece of shit.
  2. I'd love to try a saddle one day, it's gorgeous
  3. I'm happy to do all of the things you've mentioned, this machine unfortunately suffered the car equivalent of a timing belt break with an interference design engine resulting in bent valves and scored pistons and a mis-aligned cam. It needed a real mechanic. . .
  4. Eric, You took a machine that was effectively scrap iron, that nobody in my city would even look at without a $500 non-refundable deposit, and turned it into a working piece of equipment again. As the owner of the device I'm thrilled to have a member of our household contributing again in a meaningful fashion, it's wonderful and I'm very thankful. With regards to Nick-o-sew this is a very small sample and could well be an anomaly in their operation. On the other hand it makes it clear that their definition of "refurbished" is "kinda works for now but we didn't really open it up or look at it seriously or replace obviously broken parts" whereas mine means "opened it up, cleaned it, ensured all parts are in good working order and it works as advertised". I hope this was an anomaly in their service but the degree of neglect the machine I was sold suffered prior to my obtaining it says otherwise. . . Thanks again Eric, your help was and is very appreciated. STU
  5. if you click back to the "Leather Sewing Machines" section of the forum there's a thread at the top that's labelled "adler 467 for venator" click on that. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=63222
  6. If you're curious about my dealings read the adler 467 for venator thread. . . read what a professional and highly respected mechanic said about the "refurbished" machine I purchased from them.
  7. The blue on brown was an excellent colour choice, courtesy of my girlfriend. The construction turned out much better than I might have hoped.
  8. I'm looking for a supplier for stainless steel belt buckles, ideally someone who also carries a reversible for two sided belts.
  9. A lined, raised centre belt. Brown outside, blue interior, blue stitching and blue keeper. Three pieces of leather on this one.
  10. Thanks folks, this helped quite a bit I also picked up Al Stohlman's book on hand stitching. I try to avoid it but the machine can't do it all.
  11. I have 210 poly thread, I tried to run it through my machine but had a tension issue part way so I pulled the thread and used the machine to punch the rest of the holes then hand stitched in the pre-punched holes.
  12. This one is two pieces of vegetan so I could dye both and have both sides be the grain. New (for me) dyes, new method of edge finishing, new finish. Lots of firsts on this but it turned out very well and I'm super happy with the result.
  13. So I'm trying to hand stitch a belt and four tries in my threads keep getting tangled beyond saving, there's just too much thread to keep tidy. How do people deal with this? I could stitch in shorter sections but that will cause the stitching to br uneven do I'd rather not. Thoughts?
  14. I use contact cement and I do indeed sand. It just seems when I do the glycerine and saddle soap the edge looks good but as soon as the dye goes on boom! Pits. Tiny ones but the samples make the edges look like glass...
  15. So I've been trying this and I find I always end up with little tiny puts and divots in my edge, often too you can see the split between the two pieces if I'm using two. Any suggestions?
  16. So just to let people know as this has kind of dropped away from consciousness: I received the machine back in October (I had moved to Toronto from Edmonton across the summer) but only just uncrated it yesterday as I had been in North and South Carolina for a few weeks. So far the machine is operating significantly better than it ever has, it runs smoothly, it sews well, no longer breaks threads at every reverse etc. I can't say too much how thrilled I am with all the work that gottaknow put in on my machine, it's been a huge difference and it's made the difference between selling a machine that cost me almost $2k for scrap and being able to use it again. Thank you so much.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zTOqJCWbfY This helped me a lot.
  18. Looks good, edge finishing is my nemesis.
  19. You're from Edmonton? I just moved out of there go Toronto
  20. That looks fantastic. What weight of leather did you use?
  21. Why not? Many high end companies such as equus do this?
  22. I was wondering if there are any decent tutorials on multi-layer belts. Say a suede backed by vegetan or a nice exterior leather backed in vegetan. Anyone know of any? Thanks folks. Stu
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