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Everything posted by venator

  1. Basically I'm looking for something along the lines of a cowboy 4500, I like that it can do up to 7/8th as sometimes I'll need that. anyone have anything or know of anything? Reverse is a must as well as a nice controllable speed.
  2. So about half the time when I attemp to resolene a dyed piece of leather it destroys it. Streaks, mystery colour changing, it's bizarre. I'm using various tandy pro water stains and antique gels. The pic below was from today, it was a tan dye job, now it's garbage. I put on two coats of dye, let sit for a day, Polish with a cloth, and it looks great. Add resolene and its garbage. Help?
  3. If it doesn't sell please let me know.
  4. Sorry for the newb question but the search didn't help much. What's the difference between these two? How do they go on differently? What's the difference in finished look? Thanks folks
  5. Hey folks, I was looking to make a valet tray similar to this: http://www.aogifts.com/media/products/original/rumors-online_2231_41044899.jpg If I were to use vegetan leather I could tool the smooth outside and dye/antique etc. For the inside do I need to purchase suede and stitch it in or is it possible to do something to the back side of the vegetan to make it a nice suede? Sand and brush etc. Also how should I dye the suede? Sorry for rookie questions, I appreciate all the help. Stuart
  6. Hi folks, I'm totally new to leather working and so I'm going to appologize for the newbie questions, I did do some searching and have watched vids but I still have some questions. I'm looking to make dress belts in various colours, the type that would be worn with a suit or slacks as opposed to casual. We won't be doing any tooling on them, they'll be quite simple. I picked up some of the Pro Waterstain from Tandy, is this a good choice? So questions: Prefered dyes? I've got some pro waterstain from Tandy, is that reasonable to use? How long between coats? How many coats? Finishing, I see that a resolene/water 50/50 mix seems preferred for a decent shine but I also hear that people are buffing the belts prior to the resolene and between coats. What do you use to buff for those stages? I should probably also mention that I've got the belt blanks from Tandy. Any assistance on creating nice dress belts would be very appreciated. Stu
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