Hi,I am Steven Siegel, CEO of Siegel of California, Inc & M Siegel Co., Inc.. My grandfather started our business in 1917 on South Street in Boston which was for many years the leather capital of the world.There have been some very good comments about back order. I realize very well that if you place an order for 1Million dollars and 1 of the items is a 5 cent widget, the entire order may be useless without the 5 cent widget. To not know that an entire 1 Million dollar will be shipped minus the 5 cent widget is wrong.This is our company policy:1) Regarding "Regular Merchandise" If we are out of stock of anything your order will not be shipped without first notifying you and getting your ok, even if that means a delay of 1 day in shipping your order.2) Regarding "End of Year Special" As is stated on nearly every page of our flyer is clearly stated that we wiil not back order any out of stock items. We will do the best that we can to notify customers at the time the order is placed if we are out of stock. We will ship what is available and will not hold your order to notify you of any out of stock items.3) If you will supply the customer service person with your email address at the time you place your order, you will receive an automated email from UPS with the tracking number, value of merchandise, etc.4) You can always call us toll-free at 800 862 8956 to get the status of your order, but we are trying to automate everything, so please don't call unless it's really necessary. This will help us with lower overhead and you, the customer with lower prices.5) Most importantly, I know that many of y'all are afraid to order leather mail order. Who knows what you will receive? Well, we have a policy to pick up the merchandise freight free so you don't have to worry about the quality of anything being not what you expected. BTW, we also ship freight free, UPS ground only, for any order over $75.6) Our specialty is leather. All of the other items are incidentals to us. We cater to customers primarily with needs for all types of leathers. I am currently at Outbacks in Denver. The owners of the company are satisfied, repeat customers as are: Disney, Shania Twan, Bo Derek, Ty Warner, The NY Mounted Police Dept, some of the largest belt makers in the world (sorry, but can't mention their names), Orvis, custom saddle makers, Harvard University, The Smithsonian, etc, etc. etc. ... forgot to mention that our leather was the leather used on the last 12 Kentucky Derby Winners. 7) We do not cater to crafters. It is not our strength. I would recommend Tandy's, Hide Crafter's, etc, etc.8) If you are looking for some GREAT deals on leather sign up for our Friday Specials at: www.siegelofca.com (BTW we have recently hired Kevin Mitnick to make sure our site is hack proof. He will be starting some time next week.))9) Finally, I would like to say THANK YOU to those of you who have been understanding and supportive.