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Everything posted by chapman

  1. hey Ron there is a pattern pack at tandy for a shoulder holster for glock and 1911 combined by will gormley..
  2. You can get an Osborne groover at weaver leather I have one..works good..
  3. no I haven't tried the mag pouch yet but I think I have my 6" sizing fixed but I already started a 1911 with the small pattern it came out ok but a little tight because I lined it I will post so you can see.. the next ones will be a true 6" layout thanks again.. Roger..
  4. Really nice Elton !!!
  5. I moved the stich lines over a bit because i never could get the 6" printout on my printer so being on the safe side for fit i moved them over. This was my first holster like this so it was more of a test for several things. And yes the leather was a little lighter than you suggest but was all I had . But I'm learning....
  6. First of all I want to thank JLS for his generous pattern and instruction downloads. It's really helpful to us beginners on here to have a few guys like him that don't mind sharing thier knowledge and experience with everyone so thanks from an old guy and as promised here is my first one. Hope you like it .. more to come..
  7. I have a landis 5 in 1 machine for sale . it is missing the top roller /cutter though. Every thing else is in good shape. Its for sale for $ 325.dollars . I got a new skiver for Christmas so I don't use it any more . I am in Boise Idaho area let me know if you have any questions.. Thanks Chapman...
  8. Just down loaded a couple of your patterns much appreciated and will post them when I finish Thank You JLS....
  9. Hey jake i don't know if this will help but i found standard rivet co. 1800-367-4838 and talk to Pat they will probably make you something.www.standardrivet.com on the web and see what they make. i bought one of their manual machines at a garage sale and they have been really help full with it... Chapman
  10. Hey Everyone i'm hoping some one has made a shoulder holster before and can help me find one to make my son for his birthday preferably a western style .... Thanks for any and all help Chapman....
  11. Hey Bruce while i have your'e attention i value your opinion can you advise me on the best used reasonable splitter and where to get one? do these cheaper ebay splitters work well or are they junk??? I am looking for at least an 8 " model and i'm thinking osbourne.Thanks again Chapman...
  12. Hey I really appreciate you guys for the comments. The machine is in pretty good shape needs a paint job and the blade sharpened and i will do that i just wanted to get an idea of what it is worth so thanks again and do i post it for sale here or is there an area more suitable? thanks in advance from an old worn out novice.... Chapman..
  13. Hey i must have posted in the wrong area can anyone tell me where to post this????? :oops:Chapman.....
  14. Hey can anyone please help me i want to sell a landis model 25 in very good condition and i don't know what it's worth?? Thanks in advance for all help and comments .. Chapman ps hope these pics help..
  15. Thanks for getting back to me lws380 and wiz I'm thinking you guys are right about hanging on to it awhile the only reason for selling is space in the shop.. and I am sorry about posting in the wrong place I didn't realize it until it was too late wiz.. chapman...
  16. Hi i'm new to all of this posting stuff so please bear with me a little . i just recieved a new cobra 4 from Steve and i'm wondering if i should sell my old consew 226r1 for the lighter materials. can anyone tell me how light of a material can i sew with my new machine?? i'm just getting my new xmas present from my lovely wife set up and i put it oncraigs list but i'm wondering if i'm making a mistake letting go ot it??? Thanks in advance for any advice you guys can give a noobie..... Chapman..
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