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Lillian ADju

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Stockholm, Sweden
  • Interests
    Leather, Carpentry, Tools, Cooking, Photography

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    Stitching, Finihes, Dyeing,etc

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  1. Thanks, Jim
  2. I shop at GJ because I saw Ian Atkinsan review video on YouTube about GJ Shop so maybe you can find some additional info there ... and one more thing Nigel Armitage preparing chisels and pricking irons review video on YouTube Should be any day on his YouTube channel You can check more info on his FB page Regards Aleksandar
  3. I'm done with GJ anyway I'm a beginner and I bought most of my starter tool at GJ and I'm satisfied But now I turning my self to Douglas, Dixson, Watt, Beard, etc If you know what I mean :) Regards Aleksandar
  4. Seiwa chisels I purchase from GoodsJapan and the rest of tool is Craft Sha. It's free shipping worldwide There is a difference in tpi from Seiwa and Craft Sha. I find that confusing. So, my Seiwa (2,4&6 teeth) chisels are 3mm or 9 tpi and I'm satisfied with them. This 6 teeth chisel still have shipping protection on teeth because I purchased it after I try two smaller one. My awl is Craft Sha Standard Diamond and it's ready to use out of box ... just take a peek on web page and you will see. I'll put some photos ... I read somewhere on this forum that someone was complaining that GoodsJapan is expensive and there is some cheaper sites to purchase same stuff. For me I found GJ good because of free shipping and my order over 100$ didn't stack on custom Regards Aleksandar
  5. I'm about to do same thing as you, buy everything, because that is the almost same price like just press from Tandy.eu But can you give some impression about quality comparing with Tandy press and dies Regards Aleksandar
  6. Hi You have here an excellent tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGikTadTN64 Regards Aleksandar
  7. Hi, Mugsy. I never did it but this is how I will do or how I see things. We gonna put a letter for every color for this star template: Brown - a Red - b Blue - c Natural - d You need three templates to finish this How you gonna get templates, Ian Atkinson explain in "Making a Moulded Leather Possibles Pouch" video on YouTube (scroll to 43,18 min) No1. a, c, d shape (this means that your template is bigger than your cover so the sides can be attach outside the cover, so this temp looks like Omega letter in mirror) No2. b, c, d shape No3. a, b, d shape (did you notice that edges of the star ar not sharp witch means that star is attach to b color So 1. Put temp No2 and airbrush brown 2. Put temp No1 and airbrush red 3. Put temp No3 and airbrush blue This is the game that I like a lot and you should try to play. It will give you a think... http://www.kongregate.com/games/candystand/copy-cat Regards Aleksandar
  8. Maybe this can lead somewhere http://www.frayedknotarts.com/tutorials/awlcover.html And you can contact them over mail for questions And when you find out how to do it post tutorial on this topic because I don't have a clue about knots but this one I would like to know Regards Aleksandar
  9. I start with video so I can finish with video Some Japanese guy doing box with first stitching sides :)
  10. I'm happy that we figured out Regards Aleksandar
  11. Update I'm like stick to this video but I all ready decide that I'm gonna stitch this box in all ways that I mentioned and see what is best for me So this is the only sense that I find in this video I look at it one more time and this one is what I think what he did 1. He stitch one vertical side with single tread (a) Then he stitch two horizontal sides with single tread (b.) Remove piece from the clamp 2. Put another two pieces of leather in clamp and stitch it (c.) 3. Join part 1. and part 2. and stitch 2x two sides with a single tread (d), (e) If any experience member (like Tom or DavidL) can confirm this as likely or possible Regards Aleksandar
  12. Hi, Tom Thanks for your replies What confused me in this video is that he didn't mention any back-stitching when he get to the bottom so I watch video again and again and how he start is a little bit weird. He glued three sides and then you have one vertical and two horizontal sides So he stitch one side, cut the tread and start second side and that means that he gonna stitch every single side separately or (how he show in this video, because he start stitching only twice for three sides) he will stitch one vertical separately and two bottom together witch mean that he will end up with two vertical on opposite side left undone So my conclusion is that this video is pretty mess up and confusing and what you said have more sense than what he show Regards Aleksandar
  13. Hi, Jim it's not the issue to make a box from a single piece of leather It's about using leftovers or just different colors of leather to make a box and what I would like to know is what is proper or "traditional way" to do it and this guy in video is definitely a traditional guy Regards Aleksandar
  14. Thanks for replay DavidL I'm sure I can do it some how and it will be good or acceptably but since I'm totally new in this world I would like to know "traditional way" or "by the book" or what this guy on video doing Regards Aleksandar
  15. Thanks Grey Drakkon Everything is clear in this video (and to me) except how I'm gonna end stitching I mean 1. should I stitch one side and one bottom with single tread and do that four times 2. should I stitch one side and whole four side of the bottom with a single tread and then finish three sides separately 3. should I stitch two time U shape (two sides and one bottom x2) with a single tread and then finish last two bottom sides separately 4. should I stitch first four sides separately and then bottom all around 5. None of this because proper way exists It's a lot "should" and I need help Regards Aleksandar
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