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About Butch

  • Birthday 05/20/1957

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Plymouth, Idaho
  • Interests
    Braiding, Leathercraft, Cowboy Gear, Saddle Making

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    Leather Braiding and anything related to Leather Cowboy Gear
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
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  1. Sorry for the delay guys Thanks for the information
  2. Thanks John. I found it in volume 1. They show that it would go on the inside but it’ll work on the outside as well. Thanks Butch Thanks Ron Found it in volume 1 along with the lengths. Can never be too long. A little scrap leather is worth it Thanks Butch
  3. Thanks John. I briefly scanned through his books but they all looked like inside straps. I’ll read a little deeper
  4. I’m starting my first saddle and plan on a 1/4 tooled 58 Wade. I want to put the Fender straps on the outside so I can tool them. I’m curious about the length of outside fender straps vs the length of typical inside fender straps? Does the outside fender straps need to be longer? thanks Butch
  5. Hi Butch, 

    Could you please send me the pattern for the doctors bag, I will appreciate it. My email is newjcesar@gmail.com 



  6. Hi, 
    Send me your email address and I will send you the Dr Bag Pattern. I'm sorry it's taken so long but I haven't been on here in quite awhile.

    It's better to send your email to my email because I may not be on here for a while again. 




  7. I would be happy to pay for a doctor bag pattern. My email is


  8. Butch,

    I am looking for a pattern for a leather doctor's bag. Can you help me?


    1. Butch


      Sorry this took so long. I haven't been on here in a while. I sent it to your email. It's in a zip file


  9. Butch,

    I would like the patterns and such for your Doctors bag. My email address is


    Thank you

  10. I've never made the Dr. Bag and only posted it because I thought it would be cool to do, but just never got around to it. If I were to do it I'd probably use 5-6oz veg tan so it could be tooled. The links and pretty much anything else you'd need you can find at https://ohiotravelbag.com/ knucklesandwich, I sent you the pattern. Let me know if you didn't get it.
  11. Katy

    Oh boy I'm late on this one.  But so happy to find this pattern and hope it is still available.

    My daughter graduated as a medical doctor a year ago and is practicing in Maine. (I'm in Iowa) I would love to make this Dr. Bag for her as a gift.  Could you also send me the file for the pattern?

    Thanks so much,




  12. Hi Butch,  do you still have the Dr Bag pattern available?

    Thank you .

    Dave Gale.

    1. Butch


      Hi Dave,
       Sorry for the delay.  I don't get on this site much anymore.

      If you still want it send me your address and I'll send it to you. 



  13. Sorry for the wait. For some reason I'm no longer receiving emails about these posts. If I missed sending you the pattern let me know. Butch
  14. My sister bought me the original Dr Bag from a garage sale, mostly because it was leather and thought it was kind of cool. So did I so I thought I'd make the rough pattern and share with everyone. I haven't made one from it but I'd really like to see one that someone has made that's full floral.
  15. Sure. Send me your email address and I'll send you the zip file
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