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Everything posted by kagekeeper

  1. GRUMPY, Tandy does indeed have the SAM brown posts. i try to use them as much as possible, less concern coming off in my opinion. gives it a great look as well. i didn't have a setter for it and just used a heavy rawhide mallet to drive it home and worked great i thought, the screw backs seem to come loose a bit easier unless ya use lock tight or some clear nail polish that will still allow you to remove it ONLY when YOU want to.
  2. he even put her FULL name and sone other stuff on the back that he didnt take a pic of,AND was on a serious time tabe to finish it by yesterday. AWSOME work bro!!!
  3. i have made several of these and sold a few more.... there are some others that i really like as well...i just don't see anyone that carrys the kit or a pattern for it.
  4. can u reduce it a all and id there any problems w/ it rubbing off after its sealed? depending on how u seal it i take it
  5. looks like we used the same pic and traced it. i say that because mine didnt have the anchor tip either. had to put it in. looks better than mine tho....great job!!!!
  6. kagekeeper


    i do appreciate all the comments. not being prior service,and going directly into law enforcement, i really enjoy doing ANYTHING military related. I'm glad the jarheads like this one. i have completed another one for a guy that wanted to be able to frame then give to his brother that is also a marine. he said hes not sure if he WANTS to give it to him now. it was a nice feeling, especially since Ive only been doing this for about 4-5 months now.
  7. kagekeeper


    thanx tina, its still a learning process, but its safe to say im hooked
  8. kagekeeper


    i made this for a guy at work who wanted me to attach it to the bag on his sissybar w/ copper rivets. looked pretty good on his black bag
  9. took ya long enough!!!....u finished yet????....good job girl
  10. great stuff...i wanna find an old replica gun just to try to make some holsters now once i get up the nerve. any idea where i can find that are inexpensive as to be JUST for decoration
  11. too bad he wanted it a IWB holser...work is too nice to hide!!
  12. it was fun watching his hands lock as he was working on them a couple times.....the pics just dont do it justice bro:)
  13. ill look and see if they have it at my tandy shop . it is definetly another option in the learning prosess. the gereric patters was $20 thanx for the info ill look and see if they have it at my Tandy shop . it is definitely another option in the learning process. the generic patters was $20 thanks for the info
  14. i think u got my best side frog. i need a trim i think...lol some pretty good people that come in. always a good time! a special thanks to the Tandy crew for all the guidance and encouragement
  15. i saw that whites leather in NC has an assortment of holster patterns. my question is , had anyone ever used them and if so how did they like the kit? i realize its only a generic pattern but, i thought just starting out it would be somewhat of a good starting point for my sig pro 2340 40cal
  16. im gonna use the dragon for the top piece for my 1st bracer so will need some help on mine...lol
  17. thanks bro, now i guess i need to figure want to do on the actual notebook to fit the theme of the plaque. oh, did u ask Ur girl about those patches to my jacket? i wasn't even thinking about it when i saw u both at the shop today. cya soon
  18. this is the 1st real project i have undertaken..it is not completely done yet but i thought i would go ahead and throw it out there for some opinion. it has take me over a month just to do this because i must have had 8 or 9 practice pieces of JUST the eagle head till i was somewhat confident to to put in on the plaque
  19. kagekeeper


    I'm really looking forward to trying the wood look on some future stuff. my patience needs to get a bit better for it i think 1st.
  20. i will have to put my next tatto on leather , since it will be cheaper than putting it on me!!! great work as usual bro!
  21. kagekeeper

    Store Sign

    frog, i may have seen that b4, being i don't have the opportunity to get in too often ya know....lol
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