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Everything posted by roo4u

  1. roo4u

    Lookin for Roo

    i get my roo from charles hardtke inc, you can look up their number online. black, brandy(chocolate color), whiskey(medium brown), saddle tan and natural. ive never gotten a poor quality hide from them. just got 5 really nice ones, time for braiding fun. tracy
  2. try used lariat rope...i got one started around a used rope core...bought the lariat used at my feed store for $5.00(used at a tournament or a clinic) i believe ropers supply sells them. so far the one im working on seems to have decent life to it, and i believe it will make a nice transition bosal when i go to two rein on my mare.
  3. hi all does anyone know where i can purchase cores for all sizes riding crop thru lunge whip? any help would be appreciated. thanks tracy
  4. roo4u

    Splicing a loop

    is the work your doing with or without a core? and how many strands? let me know and ill take pictures of step by step
  5. roo4u

    Splicing a loop

    well...ive braided hundreds of leashes and i can tell you how to do it...depends on with or without core. if you give me a couple of days i can try to post pictures of how i do it. i could try to describe it but dont know how well that would work... tracy
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