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  1. Sorry, I still have an active business and I'd rather not post the brand name is this public forum. I have practically everything to run and maintain a small watch strap business. I would estimate that I have enough leather and supplies to last 1-2 years without purchasing anything. I have a ton of leather with packaging for 300-400 watch straps in professionally manufactured wooden boxes with a color logo. You'll have no problem presenting your straps to a jewelery shop if you'd like to continue that route. Message me if you'd like to talk.
  2. Yes, I'm offering the brand name, website, and branded packaging, along with all the tooling and leather. This would be a turn key business. I'm not looking for a huge number, but rather someone interested in the trade to continue a quality brand. Why don't you ask?
  3. I'm looking to sell the company as a whole at this time.
  4. Here are a few pictures of some exotic leather I have. I also have custom acrylic templates, punches, a full range of thread colors (Lin Câblé).
  5. Selling off my small watch strap business. This includes website, domain, leather, tooling, and boxes. I have lots of exotic leather and specialized tooling to build all kinds of watch straps. I also have about 250 custom wooden watch strap boxes with a color logo on them. Let me know if you're interested and we can talk specifics. I have a growing family and won't be able to keep up with the business. Hopefully someone would like to take over.
  6. Yes, I still have this available.
  7. Selling my Weaver 8 Ton Mighty Wonder since I have never used it. I bought it with the anticipation of a large order but ended up going a different route. Absolutely untouched and in perfect working order. Paid full price but looking to give someone a deal. This forum has been great to me and I have nothing but appreciation for everyone here. Looking to get $2000 but I'm flexible. I'm located in Charlotte, NC for pickup or we can look into shipping.
  8. I'd be interested as well. Let us know when you get some containers. Thanks
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