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About tontotex

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  1. Hi Doug, You might be speaking of Box Calf, which D'annonay produces. They are owned by Hermes. ac
  2. Hi Jeff

    do you still have the juki 441, and how old is it and what shape is it in

    you can email me direct allencollins1@sbcglobal.net



  3. i see what you are saying, Klein makes a pair that cut about 13/16 and a 30 degree notch for sheet metal. They would work on leather, just the notch size is larger than i want. I''m surprised that osborne doesnt make them....anyway thanks ac
  4. Does anyone have a sourche for V shaped leather notching pliers. I've seen some for sheet metal, and paper patterns but can't find any for leather thanks for your help ac
  5. Hi Wiz and thanks for your help, not only on this post, but for all of the help you give everyone. I based most of my decision on a post you made in the past on wallets etc http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=35319 ac
  6. Hi All So i have been reading a lot of posts on sewing machines and have purchased a Juki 1508 NH based on the information in this forum. The machine comes with a 190 needle system so my question on needles is which brand and point style to buy. The only clear pictures i can find on needles is a pdf from schmetz that shows the actual needle point and has examples of how the the stitching will look So are schmetz good reiiable needles or should I be looking for something different. When it comes to thread, is there a particular brand that is better than others...and should i be looking at bonded nylon or polyester. I would like something that mimics a hand stitched look similar to tiger thread or lin cable ( if thats possible) the machine will be used mainly for wallets , small accessory items, handbags, veg tan belts and light luggage pieces. Most will incorporate piping or binding on the seams Thanks to all for posting and sharing your ideas ac.
  7. tontotex

    Brogue Punches

    try googling some shoe or bootmaker forums.....might be some help there......i have seen a few shoe making shops in england that have classes and sell tools ac
  8. If you post your questions in the floral and sheridan carving section of the forum you will probably get some really good info. Carving is pretty much the same technique only different subject matter.Most of the tools are available , bevelers, carving knife modeling tools etc I don't carve, so i cant be of a lot more help. I have seen a lot of really neat and different carving on pinterest. I am a junker at heart and love your direction....best of luck ac
  9. If you are interested in the gluing route, rmleathersupply.com sells a water based adhesive and it works pretty well. RM is a good supplier and ships quickly I hope you get some more answers here best ac
  10. Hi Wiz,Br Thanks for your help,, and sorry for the delay in thanking you best allen
  11. Hi, I just got in some veg tan calf from england. Very nice and mellow. So i cut off a small piece and ran it through my juki 1541 with a # 22 needle but light thread. I could easily see the needle size and shape didn't work with the light thread. So, I put in a 19 round point cloth needle. it looked better but the exit hole on the rear looked almost like a rip than a needl hole. So I found this picture online that pretty much represents what i was talking about. Any ideas as far as what the correct needle and thread size should be. There also seems to be a tension problem in this photo. thanks for any help ac
  12. try rmleathersupply.com, nice guy ships quick
  13. here is a site you might try http://www.fetteredcockpewters.com/page_belts.htm another one http://www.brettunsvillage.com/leather/parts/buckles.htm you will find more by googling belt buckle. there are several sites selling reenactment and period specific hardware good luck ac
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