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About chasman52

  • Birthday November 8

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    Miami FL.
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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    holster making
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  1. I can't locate a blue gun/mold for the 500 and I get request for it from time to time.
  2. Thanks all! Alligator is hard to works the edges unless its thin. I used edge paint after burnishing.
  3. Black Alligator for my CSX S&W pistol. Veg tan lined inside. The reviews on this pistol were way too harsh. .
  4. Got the skin from a local tanner on Instagram. Marcos_josiah_arroyo
  5. THANK YOU ALL . I'm almost out of python now but I'll post again soon.
  6. I don't have the time. The tanneries in Florida charge a lot to properly tan the hides.
  7. I've done a few of those, but I'm low on the Python now. too expensive
  8. here's another Python colt ....er it might be a Kimber. LOL
  9. Here's a customer photo of a shoulder rig I made for him. C3Leatherworks
  10. "Oil is cheap compared to replacing parts!" and the two hours production I lost. BoB are those parts available? The screw/pin? the assembly? cost.? Bob, thanks for the advise .!!
  11. I got rid of the squeak for now by disassembling & cleaning these areas up and polishing the screw/pins. highlighted by the arrow. there was some galling in one of the pins. I smoothed it very lightly with white rough and crossed my fingers. AFTER AN HOUR, The squeak is gone for now, but i will look into replacing these parts if it comes back. In the future I will not overlook the required maintenance these area requires. REMOVE THE COVER AND OIL AS RECOMMENDED!!
  12. Yes I did. I was able to lessen the rub by loosening the screw 1/4 turn. ( the screw left and below the one in the pic with an arrow
  13. Oiled holes in the assemble and all next to it. it helped but the galling sound persists. can I disassemble and clean ,polish? Will that help. Machine still runs excellent . NOTE: correction- arrow in picture pointed to wrong joint. the joint to the lower left is the noisy one. I have disassembled , cleaned and reoiled, but slight noise still heard if run slow.
  14. I will do that and be right back
  15. I know the cause is poor maintenance, or time, or both, but what can I do before it gets worse? This bearing is bad. I know it because if I loosen this 1/2 turn the squeek stops. Anyone familiar with this assembly that can advise much appreciated!!!!!! Charles C3leatherworks Miami Fl.
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