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About walletman

  • Birthday 11/24/1960

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    uk sheffield

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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  1. Looking for a download for a couchman Short top hat pattern Plz And a 8 panel newsboy/bakersboy cap Many thanks
  2. Hi on wot and were plz I so am very interested Can you plz put a link that will a great help Many thanks walletman
  3. Hi Go to you tube and put in stitch grover There are lots of videos Hope you find somthing to help you Plz feel free to pm or email me I may have pattens I can send or I have a site you can buy pattens If you need any help or advice plz feel free to contact me Walletman
  4. Ring 0161 763 6969 Speak to justin Collags sewing uk Hope this helps Walletman Sorry Collage sewing
  5. Hi try wetting the leather first then use stamp See how you go hope it works Walletman
  6. Hi robb01 http://www.tandyleather.eu/en-gbp/Setting-Rivets.aspx Dont know if this helps
  7. Hi rob Go to youtube How to make leather button Look for Richard black Hope this helps Robert (walletman)
  8. Hi try baking paper Its a lot thicker
  9. Hi yes glue it first then cut or try just cutting from each side to the middle To stop it streching All so a thin layer of cork on the underside of your ruler to stop it slipping Hope it work Walletman
  10. Hi were hou from? Will try to help Thanks
  11. Hi google Leather tattoo wallets images Than go to Www.leathercraft.jp Hope this helps Walletman
  12. Hi toffehead Try glueing to gather first than sawing Or glue then use a sewing machine with out tread To mark holes Then hand saw or how every you like When finished hammer flat Hope this helps you on your way through leathercrafting Walletman bob
  13. Hi Do you have a dremel hobby drill I use corn flour and water mixed to a paste On the edges then use the dremel or electric drill in stand With a dowel with noches cut and sanded To finish I use a shoe polish in a plastic bottle type the one with a spunge On and duff when dry Or beeswax and jean cloth and rub like mad Both are good hope it helps Walletman (bob)
  14. Hi steve Dont know if it is any good for you Go on ebay put in conchos And look for a seller called The antik Look on there thay may have some thing for you Bob walletman
  15. Hi I would use contact glue On the gusset on the front use tacks to hold in place tack to a board Till glue is set Then use a awl pricking fork to make the holes Then sew it together Then mark round pocket punch holes Then glue the pocket to the front Using croc clips to hold in place I allway use croc clips if you dont have any well worth buying some You will say why did i not used them before Make holes with awl sew up I hope i have been of some help Bob (walletman)
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