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Everything posted by Ronan6ix

  1. Very clean. Looks very professional and I think you did an awesome job. Is it a catch all or did you put in any dividers in the inside of the bag?
  2. This is why I use bag stiffener for my prototypes. If your looking to get a basic idea of how something will go together, bag stiffener and thumb tacks works great for some items. If you just work in the thickness of your leather you can get a great idea of how it will end up. I also use bag stiffener for my final templates on the leather projects so it is two fold really. Good luck!
  3. Nice and simple, you can't beat $25 a piece for something you enjoy doing. For me it is breaking out and actually allowing people to buy what I make. I just want to make something that will last 10 years or more and will not sell anything less than the best I can do.
  4. Good design for a minimalist wallet. Did you find that the machine was worth it?
  5. Well played. I would love to see this mounted to the stool and an overall photo of the final piece C'mon please!
  6. Do you ever finish up your work? Dye and some edge finishing would work wonders on even scrap work.
  7. I am a newb to this board, but have been leather working for a while and would offer these thoughts. I started out making items where I did not finish the inside, and I see that a couple of your pieces are this way. Now, I at the very least will throw some Tan Kote on the inside 'flesh side' leather on items even if I am not going to see them. I just think it looks better made when all the surfaces are somewhat the same color. Having a dyed outer skin and nothing on the inside has killed a couple of my projects. Also, the only other thing that has not been mentioned is the stitching consistency. You have some great stitching, but it kind of flip flops, so make sure your very consistent with what side of the stitch your pulling needles. They all look great though. Keep up the good work and throw some fire into it and tool something
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