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    Belts, Knive and holster sheaths
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  1. I am the happy owner of a Cowboy 5500, I bought from Neal's Saddlery and actually picked it up at his shop. I can tell you, the support alone is worth the price. I have called and spoke with Ryan while he was out of town on vacation and he was still happy to help. I have never been sorry for my purchase, the 5500 comes on a much heavier stand than the others yet is very maneuverable. I am yet to run into something that requires more Harp space than provided. When I bought my 5500 I had the same thoughts, buy once and not have to worry about it. I would also reccomend buying the package that includes multiple other presser feet, needle plates etc. Not only does it save a lot of money, it comes in as useful when you least expect it. I had a problem with the Servo motor, and Ryan sent over night the new part. I have since purchased a CB227 to handle my lighter work, and once again are more than satisfied. I sew holsters, belts, and SCA armor and shields. I highly reccomend getting it, and if your close enough to go to the shop by all means do so. I know Ryan spent over 15 hours setting mine up prior to pick up. Sorry for rambling but I hope this helps
  2. I have been using a manual variation based upon and electronic bobbin winder I found on EBay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/181706248911?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT I have it mounted to a block,of wood, originally used at scout camp for a Tippmann Boss and Wyndham Cub, but the other day I attached it via clamp to my CB 227 table and utilized the bobbin winder tensioner while feeding the thread off of the spool holder in back. I have since adapted this method to the Boss and the Cub. I use a spool holder and run the thread thru the Boss or Cub tensioner and wind the bobbins. I use it for my size 33, 15 and L bobbins exclusively. I can wind as fast (The winder has an 8-1 ratio) or slow as desired. Sorry about the picture orientation, 1st attempt to do this
  3. Today I have finished adding my second sewing machine (and per my wife the last) to my shop. My first one was a Cowboy 441 clone (CB-5500) and this one is the CB227. I made my purchases based upon the very relevant and experienced advice as provided by everyone of the Subject Matter Experts here on the forum. I am fortunate in that I am only about 110 miles from Neel's Saddlery and they have been very supportive to all my questions and several visits. I have managed to side step a lot of missteps others learned from. I do mostly small leather projects from coasters embossed on a Enerpac Hydraulic press to belts and holsters. I especially enjoy supporting Boy Scouts and other programs in trying to bring to the youth of today the knowledge of leather working. I used to sew everything by saddle stitch, but alas as age has caught it became to painful to continue. Once again thank you to everyone. Ed
  4. Thank you for this wonderful pattern, we are revamping our scout camp leather working program to be something more than braiding a simple lanyard or neckerchief slide. It's items like this that enable us to provide the scouts a really worth while project and it actually helps to bring a new generation into the enclave. Superb!
  5. Thank you very much, as it seems everywhere you work now you have ID cards this makes a nice piece to show off something other than the normal cheap ones sold on site
  6. FrankQV, Thank you, ordered a set this morning.
  7. Thank you for the advice, I am going out looking for some this weekend. Oldtoolsniper, the Embosser I bought is just like the one referenced on Ebay above except I bought the one with a 9" throat to make it easier to do large objects. I got it out of Beilers in Ronk PA. If I can figure out how to attach a photo I will. I really like it.
  8. Thank you for the wonderful tip, I actually bought my Embosser from Beiler's in PA, it permits use of any of the BUNKHOUSE tools embossing rollers and will actually take one up to about 3.5" +/- diameter. It was a replacement for my Tandy embosser which they quit making. The embosser came with two steel collars which seem to work, but I am going to try out the Bronze as well. So far I have been impressed with the BUNKHOUSE tools embossing rolller I bought (Mushrooms) and with the prices you can't go wrong. Ed
  9. I just wanted to thank everyone, I have spoken with Ryan of Neels Saddlery, he is only about 100 miles from my house and I decided to go with a Cowboy 3200: Now I just have to wait for it to come and go get it.
  10. That I understand, we had one on my Dads 47 cab over Wiley's, that was a monster to handle at ten across the ranch: Everyone thank you for your replies, I am now figuring out which way might be best to go. This forum is the best and so is everyone here
  11. Wizcrafts, Thank you very much, now my question: What is a Barney Wheel? Ed
  12. Hello everyone: I am new to the forums, but have garnered some really great information. I came across this GA5-1R that has been converted to be Hand Cranked, http://www.ebay.com/itm/221774256185?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT I was wondering the viability of such a modification? I have a Sailrite LS-1 with the Monster Wheel and it does fine when turned by hand with thin leather. I would appreciate a more experienced opinion of this, as it would be great for Boy Scouts. Thank you Ed
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