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Posts posted by Crystal

  1. I know the ones you are looking for, they are aluminum boy scout canteens. Not sure if they still make them but you can pick them up on ebay all the time.

    They have the cap on the side at the top.

    ....and to throw in a shameless plug...........search the saddle forum for "canteen tutorial" and you will find a how to I did.

    For some reason it never got pinned or anything it's just thrown in the mix with everything else so you'll have to search it....


    Hey Tim- the tutorial should have been pinned. It is now and I moved it to the "How Do I Do That" section. Here's the new link: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=15544&st=0

    Sorry it got missed. Great Job!


  2. Harvey, if you just want the spot try using a bottle dropper and put a drop of dye on the leather and then use a straw and blow on it. That should give you the spat pattern. If you want to carve it- try the same with some water, or maybe some neatsfoot oil (if discoloration isnt' a concern) and then just swivel cut around whatever splat occurs.


  3. Beautiful, Bobby! The only question I have is: Aren't tapadero's usually used in pairs?

    Coffee table on each end of a couch... night stand on each side of a bed...wink.gif

    Another inspiring piece. Thanks for sharing it!


  4. Hi Michi-


    That is the date listing for the Rocky Mountian Leather Trade show in Sheridan, Wyoming. I believe there is one before that in Wickenberg, Arizonia sometime in February.

    I am sure someone will chime in here and give you some more information on upcoming events occuring in the US.


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