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About danamy

  • Birthday 04/21/1966

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    syracuse n.y.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    cycle seats
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    web search

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  1. is the machine still for sale
  2. can you tell me the cutting area thanks dan
  3. i would love the singer but im in ny shipping?
  4. danamy

    Singer 111W155

    singer 111w155 for sale need gone asap has servo motor drops an ocasional stitch make offer its in syracuse ny thanks dan
  5. do you still have the machine would you consider shipping it thanks dan dheinle1@twcny.rr.com
  6. Just received the patches for my leather vest. no way to take out the liner ,i dont want to mess this up any suggestions would be helpful. thanks dan

    1. Sylvia


      Hi Danamy... look for the closing seam for the lining. typically it's bottom,

      center back of the vest and about 4 inches long.

      carefully rip out that seam and see if you can get to the area you need to place the patch.

      It will be a pain to get to but you might beable to stitch it on by hand. When done, just stitch the seam back.

    2. Cyberthrasher


      I just stitched mine through the liner, but it didn't have any insulation or anything in it

  7. what is the best white dye. needed for motorcycle seat.thanks dan

  8. billb not sure wear you think it should be glued. also i have the pattern for this if any one wants it.you just take it to a copt center ang get it blown up. here it is all done.
  9. do you still have the juki thanks dan
  10. Almost finished top hat for my boy for x mas.
  11. is this still for sale thanks dan
  12. danamy

    Tippmann Boss

    i have a nice tippmann for sale its aluminum and in very good working condition still in original box with all accessories 850.00 plus shipping thanks dan
  13. i have an aluminum one if your intrested
  14. cool thanks
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