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Everything posted by Shorts

  1. Russ good idea. I am beginning to experiment with stitch lengths and they will help. And I wondered if there was such a foot available. I would take one for sure. I do not have a holster plate. From what I little I know of them they would be more benefit if I stitched on an already molded holster. Currently I stitch my patterns before molding. But I won't discount a tool. Can you tell me more about the holster plate? I don't know much about them.
  2. Whoa, my post moved. Sorry Mods! Looks like I still have a learning curve of an internet forum. Ray, I have Steve on speed dial. Talking to him on Friday and getting the machine ready to stitch, I was such a klutz. I imagine Steve was wondering how he got such a dysfunctional customer on a Friday afternoon I watched the DVD last night. It's reassuring to know that I'm doing things right, instructionally speaking. I just need to get the feel. I'm ordering more thread today, or soon. I need some black. I guess the big question I have to answer is what sizes do I want to run.
  3. Since getting my Cobra I've pulled scraps and been practicing. I've mocked up holster patterns so that I can stitch them and use the machine the way I'd use the machine everyday. It makes no sense to work only on straight lines when those aren't all I do. Using the machine is very simple. Using the machine skillfully - that's a different story. Beginning a stitch line and ending a stitch line are my bane right now. More specifically, securing the ends of stitching so that they are sturdy and look good is tough. Hand stitching is easy! It just takes longer. I can hand stitch well. I am confident in it. This machine stitching, not so much; yet. Learning the timing of curves is interesting too. While not difficult it takes a bit to get it down well and not drop a stitch or fall out of the stitch line. Going from the security and confidence of bread and butter and moving to another method stirs up a slew of feelings. Curiosity, hope, frustration, impatience, uncertainty, excitement... Before I got a machine I imagined the gobs of holsters I'd be putting out with so much stitching capacity at my fingertips. I'm disappointed; well, maybe not disappointed but likely impatient that I'm not at that level yet. I feel like I've taken two steps back in my leatherwork. And in reality, while I haven't lost anything in regards to the of leather I can build, I feel as though I'm brand new and getting started from square one again with this machine. And no, I'm not going to give it away to anyone I'm going to get better. I just failed to realize that behind the excitement there is a learning curve to travel. I'm traveling that road now. I don't like it. I don't like struggling at any skill. I've always been quick at picking up skills. Feeling behind and new makes me uneasy and I want to get out of 'uneasy' as quick as I can. Well, with some luck and practice I think I'll come around. My insecurity says, "I want it now."
  4. I worked on a 92 holster last night too....heh...great minds. Good work on the first holster. What weight leather did you use? Hand stitched?
  5. I've noticed the wrinkles immediately after wetting for molding. As the water normally flashes off, this leather stays 'water-logged'.
  6. What seems like it'd be of help is whatever strip of metal used as the creamy filling will be supported on both sides by a layer of leather. I would imagine (I did not sleep at a Holiday Inn last night) that would (help) maintain the structural integrity of the steel to the degree it is installed. As for those particular purse strips, I don't think they would work as well as a straight basic strip.
  7. I've had some holsters do the same and that was my guess as well. The only way I could describe is was like water "got under the skin" of the leather (which absolutely makes no sense but it's the way it looked). Water damage?? Edit: I haven't taken note what part of the side produced those results
  8. I'm actually going to try the other way...from AB to dip. Beautiful holsters
  9. Thanks Art. Tom, thanks for the offer on the DVD. Mine is on the way. My machine got here so fast. Steve said they send the DVD separate through the mail because they had a bit of trouble with DVDs breaking when shipped freight with the machine. At a 325lb pallet, doesn't surprise me. And you are correct, it is like the Toro 3000.
  10. Thanks Ryan! I wanted to add a few pics of some practice. I certainly need work to get smooth on the controls as well as learn and get that muscle memory going. You know when you do that coordination trick of tapping your head and rubbing your stomach; if you go really slow and think hard you can do it...well that's me LOL Anyhow, pics...(a random scrap piece with some hand stitching already):
  11. Oh goodness, just got off the phone with Steve. The gentleman he is, gave me a call to make certain I had what I needed. Turns out I needed a lot more help than I knew! I've got more reading and practicing to do but I'm squared away..(for now!). I might add, I know how to clear a jam now lol (My machine took off on me when I turned it on) Steve, thank you for your time and patience. It cannot be easy walking folks through the process while on the other end of the phone line, not able to see the situation and we won't even mention the difference in terminology! When I was considering making my machine purchase I was told that service was top notch, I know first hand, it is!
  12. Will do. I was thrilled to finally get it ordered. I tell you though, that large think hunk of leather that was included to show the capability/setup was the coolest thing
  13. Ray, sorry about the troubles with that guy. A frozen account is my largest concern using Paypal. Actually I have several issues with Paypal but I'm not quite sure what to use instead in order to maintain immediate online/electronic payment methods. I suppose investigation is in order to determine costs for alternate methods. I hope this all goes away soon and you can get back to leather.
  14. LOL Well this lady got it this second time around on the install-a-belt technique. You know, hand place it then roll the pulley to pull the rest through. I wish there was a tensioner pulley like on my Chevrolet I don't think I want to know if this isn't how it goes. I don't think my nerves can take any more work this busy week I soo need a vacation!
  15. Not sure if this is good encouragement or peer pressure I think I'll make a nice little order for myself. Thanks Ray!
  16. Ray, the thought did cross my mind that I could be that person. My original intent was just wanting to be certain of some dyes I'd like to order Maybe I ought to go ahead and consider a handful and go from there
  17. Got my Cobra Class 3 yesterday. It's unpacked, motor is up on the stand. But I need to put on the hand wheel and that belt I assume that also came with. Can anyone give me tips on how to go about it please? A monkey could probably figure it out but well, I just don't want to get too 'creative' and do something I'm not suppose too . No DVD yet so I'm flying blind. I just want to get a'stitchin' Thanks!
  18. I'm curious if there was a service or place that will color dip leather swatches (that I'd provide) for samples? I figured I'd cut up my own leather, label each with a different color name then send them all together to the dye. That would be great. Edit: While I know every leather side will dye different, it would provide a better idea than the jpeg color samples on websites.
  19. Diggin' this post up - I like it. Anyone have comparisons of Angelus browns?
  20. Hmm sounds like I shouldn't be out washing my truck in skimpy clothing at the wrong part of the day. Well, I guess I'll handle it as I go. Any potential customers will be well aware guns are involved so I would hope they tread lightly Any customers that I'll be seeing face to face will be those in our shooting group and any shows I attend throughout the year. But for the most part, there will be no store front and no open door policy when it comes to the daily routine. I did file as an LLC so that offers more protection than with the sole proprietorship. I think I'll still poke around for insurance and make adjustments to the current home owners policy if I can. I just submitted the last of my paperwork and received confirm of all official business. Look out, it's real according to Texas!
  21. Excellent. I did not know about the deduction for loss. And selling the house (tax puposes) at a later date will certainly be a detail we'll go over. How about concerns of customers stopping by? I'm not interested or setup to have people walking up to my front door. With the home address listed (public), will this be an issue? How do I handle that?
  22. Shorts

    sides for sale

    I'm interested in 2 as well. Waiting for pics and delivery details first.
  23. I'm filling out state tax paperwork and am curious about the 'place of business' address listed when it is also a home address. Are there concerns about the two being the same?
  24. Ray, the site looks good. Use it wisely grasshopper
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