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Everything posted by Forester

  1. Hi Stu and Red Bear. Thanks for your comments. I noticed the furry bits on the bottom, that's close up photography for you, will re burnish it. And yes the carving template is in the pattern pack with an alternative carving pattern. Regards Forester.
  2. Hi All Few mistakes in the intro, it should read; I made this holster this weekend, I'm making these to sell so any constructive comments would be appreciated. I am always trying to improve the quality of my leather work. Regards Forester.
  3. HI All I made this holster this weekend from Will Ghormley's pattern pack. I am making these to sell so and constructive comments would appreciated. Regards Forester
  4. Hi All. Does anybody know where I can buy the attached leather embossing wheel. Regards Forester
  5. How do I upload photo's, I always get a message telling me the photo is to big, above 1.46MB.

    1. Forester


      Worked it out and posted my first photo's.

    2. immiketoo
  6. Thank you for all your reply's, i have tried ebay and Tandy in the UK but they don't carry them anymore. Sorry to hear of Will's family's heath issues hope all is well. Regards Forester
  7. Hi all. I have been looking all over the web for Will Ghormley's Old west collection patterns. I have purchased some of his patterns but i can't find the rest, mainly the holster patterns. I have also e-mailed Will but i got no reply. Does anybody know a good site where i can buy all his patterns. Regards Forester
  8. Hello All Not been leather working for long, just a few weeks. It all started when I watched a few video's on Youtube, which interested me. So I bought some leather and a few tools and made a couple of things. Then I found Leatherworker.net, and saw some of the things that members are making. I really like the cowboy gun holster rigs, and I may try and make one or two. So hello again from the UK. Regards Forester. PS. I tried to upload some pictures but they seem to be too big to upload.
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