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Everything posted by Forester

  1. New sheath's to fit USA Ka Bar and British MOD Survival knife (just have to attach retention straps on sheaths) and holster to fit Colt 1911, with basket weave stamping for customer. Regards Forester
  2. No won't come out, the retaining strap is fairly tight at the thinner part at the top and the handle gets wider as it goes down, so knife is safe. Regards Forester
  3. Ka Bar knife sheath, made from 8-9oz veg tan leather, made to fit on molle system or on normal military style belt also holes for leg ties.
  4. Hi All I have a customer that wants me to make him a holster for a Ruger Single Six .22 with a 6.5inch barrel, but it also has a red dot sight as in the attached photos. Has anybody made such a holster that would kindly be able to share the pattern/template. The extra problem I have is that he lives in Northern Ireland and I live in England, so I will be making the holster (if I agree to make it) for a pistol I don't have a replica for. I have replica's of Colt SAA's, are they roughly the same size. All comments and help are appreciated as usual. Regards Forester
  5. Hi Josh Brilliant work, could you please tell this ignorant English man what M&G is please, keep up the good work. Regards Forester
  6. Thank you mikesc Looks a good vid but can't seem to watch it. Regards Forester
  7. Just started making sporrans, going to a craft fair in Dec so will probably make a few more.
  8. Yes the tooling pattern was in the pattern pack.
  9. Hello kiwican The design of the Cheyenne stops that from happening, if you look between the 2 loops there is a bulge, if made correctly this will lock the skirt and pouch together. Regards Forester
  10. Hi dikman After I have stamped the pouch I try not to wet it again, don't want to lose any detail, I find the pouches bend into the slots which I pull up when damp, I then insert the pistol to reform. These holsters are made from Will Ghormleys Cheyenne pattern pack. Regards Forester
  11. Hi garypl True we can't own a real handgun, but a lot of people own replica's or blank firers. So I think mainly collectors or people who do re-enactment buy them. I sell on ebay, so I have sold quite a few holsters through the ebay shipping program, I have sent holsters to Germany, France, Finland and I have sent a Cheyenne gun rig to Italy, I have even sent a John Wayne gun rig to the USA. I also have a few replica's of my own as can be seen in the photo's and a Colt Umarex which is a .22 pellet air pistol, which I have sold rigs for in the UK. I don't sell as many as I would like but I do sell them. Regards Forester
  12. Hi All Prototype of Doc Holiday's chest rig. With pattern kindly provided from this thread. Regards Forester
  13. Hi All New Cheyenne holsters to fit Colt SAA with 5.5 and 7.5 inch barrel and Colt Navy. Regards Forester
  14. Hi AA3JW Keep at it, your holsters look serviceable and wearable, they will get better with practice. I was looking back at some of the first holsters I made and I can't believe that I actually sold them. Regards Forester
  15. Hi All Four holsters made from Will Ghormley's 1911 pattern pack. Regards Forester
  16. Hi All Another 1911 Holster, made a few weeks ago. Regards Forester
  17. Hi All This is my version of the Wild Bunch Holster, made a few weeks ago. Regards Forester
  18. Hi Dwight I have been after a Doc Holiday shoulder holster for a long time, if you manage to get one could you pass it on please. Regards Forester
  19. Dwight Thanks for the time and effort you put into the drawings, I now fully understand. All the best Forester
  20. Thanks Dwight Some good information there, just what I needed. I would never have thought of gluing the entire length apart from the money section. Doing it that way I imagine makes it easier to sew up. Still a bit confused how you attach the belt keeper though. Regards Forester
  21. Hi All A customer has asked me to make a John Wayne suede out money belt, having not made one before I thought I would ask all you kind people. What thickness and what kind of leather should I use, do you soak it first then fold in half and let dry, would you oil the suede side as you would a normal belt, and is there any other thing I should look into before I start making. Thank you all in advance. Regards Forester
  22. Hi Oldnslow. The wrap around strap is sewn on, if you look at both sides of the sheath one has 2 layers of leather the other side 3. Regards Forester
  23. Hi All Took me a while but this is what I came up with. Made from 2 parts as I did not like the bulge when the sheath was bent around the belt. Will fit a Leatherman Wave or Rebar. Regards Forester
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