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  1. I was wondering if anyone had experience with making or enhancing leather jackets. I have a great jacket but it isn't armored and I was hoping to slap some thick veg tanned patches on the arms, elbows and shoulders. The question is, could I do this without removing the lining, possibly with cement and rivets?
  2. I actually just used neatsfoot oil. Should i put some neatlack on it? I don't think it needs to be too glossy.
  3. Dyed em, and used a groover for the black stripes.
  4. I haven't posted in a while with moving and all. But now I have a new camera and something to show. I am pretty proud of this.
  5. I'm diggin that snap closure thing you did! I've never seen that before.
  6. I'd say that that was a happy mistake because that stitching looks awesome!
  7. Requesting pictures of the dog armor!
  8. I don't think that it really makes much of a difference. I'll be watching this thread to find out just how wrong I am.
  9. As a person who plays on one of those let me tell you that you shouldn't try making a case that opens up with the game and stays on. Even the expensive cases are clumsy and uncomfortable.
  10. they look like the old iBooks... if they were maid in the seventies.
  11. I've been putting a laminated board with a dumbbell on top of the still wet peace when it starts to warp.
  12. I'm thinking for the next one I'm going to use those U bolts to attach the bag. Not a lot of body panel on a Ruckus.
  13. Sorry about the cruddy cellphone photos. First off, some sheaths... a bracer... and the good part. So I finally attempted a large scale project, a saddle bag for my Honda Ruckus. It was about 8"X10"X5" and I dyed it with vinegaroon and I was very pleased with how it turned out. I was going to take a picture of it on my scooter but about half a day after I put it on someone stole it! I guess it must be pretty good if someone wanted it enough to steal it.
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