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  1. I bought an Adler 267 6 years ago and have been keeping an eye out for Adler machines since. I have missed out on a few good buys but in the last 3 months I've bought 2 more Adler's and 4 others that were at good enough prices I couldn't pass them up being local to me. Adler 268 - unsure of the subclass as the label is missing. The Efka controller or motor was bad so added a servo motor to it and it works great. Still figuring out how I'm going to setup stand alone controls for the pneumatic lifter. Adler 205-370 - Had been sitting in a closed down harness shop for I think close to 10 years. I ran it by hand and with the motor and it appears to be in working order but there is quite a few parts that have rusted so I'm going to do a extensive cleaning before using it. (2) American Straight Stitchers - Were in the shop shop as the Adler 205. One powered up and cycled but the thread system along with the rest of the machine needs a through cleaning. 2nd one turns by hand but is missing a few parts and the clutch/drive system is seized up. Singer 144-103? - This one is missing a label and is locked up. Came from the harness shop as well but it probably my lowest priority. Singer 147-90 - Really had no idea about this one but it was $30 at a donation store, someone had bought it but it had a 3 phase motor so they dropped it off again overnight. The Adler 205 is the only real priority to get running. The other will probably take me 3-4 years to get through but i really enjoy working of them about as much as I like making stuff out of leather. I have a combined 2k in these machines and expect I'll spend at least that much again to get them all in running order.
  2. I admittedly messed up by making some adjustments to the machine before downloading a maintenance manual. My presser foot wasn't going down far enough to hold 2 layers of canvas and I saw the 2 screws in the clamp for the presser foot bar so I loosened them, made my adjustment and continued on sewing for awhile (at least 6 or 7 bobbins worth). I ended up adjusting at the same place again back toward its original position but at some point things just went bad. My presser foot is now raising when the needle bar is just past the top of its stroke and is only raising ~.2mm so the material doesn't move when sewing. I have a manual but don't see anything in relation to the presser foot timing with the needle bar. First question would be is the GK-373 the same as the subclass 373 listed in the technical data to set the Bottom Feed Stroke and Alternating Top Feed Stroke? Second is if I go through and adjust the Lower Feed, Feed Dog, Lifting Distance, and Upper feed should that get things back in sync or is there something else to look at? And yes I now know the correct place to adjust the height of the feet.
  3. There is a private jet manufacturer close by and I came across some leather that where either left over or hand been on the shelf to long I'm not sure but it is really nice stuff. No idea when or if I'll use this as it isn't really what I use in my projects so I thought I'd pass it along. I think there is still some available in these colors if you need more than the 2 sides I can try to get more. $125 each plus shipping. sizes range between 52-61 sq/ft
  4. Thank you for all of the info, I do believe I finally have the thread sizes figured out for the most part now and defiantly know what to use for my machines going forward. I to would be interested in the Chinese sellers for when I might need a couple of different colors.
  5. Can't say there is anyone to blame for misleading me, I was just messing up the conversions for one reason or another but thank you for the info. Going to order each size and see how they work out.
  6. Finally getting ready to set up the Adler 267-gk373 and Singer 107w1 that I bought a few months ago and I'm not sure I have my head wrapped around the thread sizes Book for the Adler 267 list a Nm 30/3 thread which should be metric count correct? While the Singer book shows a cotton thread size of 24-100 depending on the needle. From what I can tell either the #207 or #277 thread size will work in both machines but I'm just not sure if I have converted them right. Figured on ordering poly for the machines, I will be doing leather, canvas and some vinyl for boat seats
  7. Tandy has some that I've used but I'm looking for other options for a 2 oz max suede to use as bag liners. They need to have a 18"x40" usable area and the main color's I use are black, light gray/taupe, and red.
  8. I got a chance to go check out the machines today and with my limited knowledge they seem to be in good shape. Where in service until about 3 months ago when the owners retired (he said they had 30+ machines) and everything looked in order. Got a deal of two Adler 267's along with a Singer 107w zig zag machine for $1100 and they are going to give me a quick instruction on how to use the machines Friday when I pick them up. I can't help but think of all the stuff I'll be able to sew now....
  9. Thank you for the info I'm all but certain they are all 267-373 machines. From the pictures you can just see the paint wear but I hope to go check them out this week.
  10. Came across 3 Adler 267's for sale at $750 each. I don't plan on doing much leather stitching with them but I have a few canvas project's and a boat to reupholster and it seem's like it would fit the bill. They are the grey body and still have clutch motor's. $750 doesn't seem like a bad price but I'd appreciate any info.
  11. Thank you! The back is a single later with a 2nd layer that comes down 1/2" - 5/8" just low enough that you can't see it stops from the front. It was requested by the customer but I really like how it adds structure to back of the wallet. A better view trifold 4 by michicks, on Flickr
  12. This was a custom order but I've really been trying to improve my tri-folds and bi-folds lately . I prefer to round my corners on bi-fold's to avoid the hard stop on the stitching lines but to me it just doesn't work well with the tri-folds. Made from Horween Dublin horse fronts and was my first project with my new #7 KS-blade punch chisels. Having a set of inverse chisel made adding the pocket to the back of the wallet a breeze. Edges still need a little work, I have trouble getting enough friction without rolling over the thinner leather. Trifold 1 by michicks, on Flickr Trifold 3 by michicks, on Flickr Trifold 2 by michicks, on Flickr
  13. After spending the last 3 months "working" as a leather worker I've figured out what did and didn't work with my current shop space and here is kind of what I came up with and am in the middle of implementing. Bigger and taller flat surface, this is mostly done but it is 8'x8' with the work surface at 44". I have 4' clear on 3 sides with the other side against the wall an. When done it will work as an assembly line starting with layout/cutting, assembly/glue/ marking stitch lines, and then to stitching area. Half of the underneath is for leather storage the other half will be storage for templates, hardware and whatever else I've found my stitching pony's just didn't cut it for bags, I make my totes and backpacks from 1 piece of leather and fighting pieces that are 20"x40" up to 16"x60" killed productivity. I'm in the middle of design and making a table mounted swing arm stitching clamp with a 12" clamp surface. Once I get all the tools moved to the 8'x8' work table I plan to use my existing 2'x7' work bench for splitting, riveting, snaps, and getting a small press set up to get rid of the huge box of bulldog clips. I have a 14.5'x32' heated/cooled work shop and 14.5'x24' of that is dedicated to leather work
  14. If you don't mind shipping McCarty Manufacturing in Fennville. MI . I've had Rick split things for me a few different times (not shell though) and I've always been pleased. The web site is http://mccartymfg.com/home
  15. Never mind I found a 12"x60" piece rolled up in a bin. Mods you can delete this post if you like
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