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About Chris88

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  • Birthday 07/25/1961

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  1. Awesome job!!! I want to make a case for my cell phone. What weight leather did you use?
  2. Thanks, what would you use to slick down the fleash side?
  3. Hello, I am going to make a cell phone sleeve for my phone. I am planning on lining it. So what size weight leather would you use and would you use pig skin for the lining?
  4. Really nice! I like your work, can't wait for the tutorial. You do some very nice work. I also bookmarked you site.
  5. Eric, nice videos I see you use a Tippmann Boss. What presser foot do you use?
  6. Excellent videos!!! Thanks for making them. Do you sew your holsters by hand?
  7. Very nice I will be trying to make a sheath for my folder. What weight leather did you use?
  8. Those boot cover give me an idea. When I ride my motorcycle my boot gets a nice black mark on the top from shifting gears. How does it stay on the boot?
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