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About leather1214

  • Birthday 12/14/1984

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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Texas
  • Interests
    Ranch Rodeo, playing guitar and Toolin leather

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Leggins, wallets, bible covers, belts
  • Interested in learning about
    purse patterns
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. hey everybody thanks a bunch, really appreciate it. now if I could only figure out Hidepounders finger cuts I would put them on the inside. Do you have a set pattern like a belt tap-off or just free hand them?
  2. Here is a wallet I made for my brother for Christmas and just got it out to him...ha Im glad he still wanted it. Anyways critiques and comments welcome
  3. hey just looked at some of yer chaps, really good stuff, i've just started buildin some for myself and some buddies, but i kinda had to wing it as far as patterns, i made my first set of bells, and i like how the fit above the knee, but cant get the bell to fall quite right, any advice

  4. Just finished a order for a pair of leggins this weekend. Like/Dislike??? Anyways thanks for lookin
  5. Hey thanks a bunch, I appreciate it.. I used Fiebings Red and Fiebings Dark Brown dye in a about 75/25 mix (just trying somethin diff). Ok when I finished tooling the belt I dyed the background and borders with that mix (took several coats). I let it dry and then rubbed on a layer of Neatlac. Let that dry and then antiqued it with Fiebings Mahogany,let that dry and then finished with a layer of Tankote. Thats just about it. Thanks again
  6. Finished a couple of belts and wanted to try somethin diff with the dye so I dyed the background and border in a burnt red color.. I think they turned out alright, what do yall think???
  7. Hey thanks a bunch, I appreciate it... The belt blank is a 6/7oz and the liner is 3/4oz
  8. I havent posted anything on here in awhile, been busy.. Here are a few belts, what do you folks think???
  9. thanks I would appreciate it
  10. I am looking for a saddle bronc saddle... I am looking for a 16 3/4" or a 17"... If anybody knows of anything let me know, sure would appreciate it...Thanks
  11. Fiebings Mahogany...Green Metallic liner...7/8 oz blank and a 2/3 liner
  12. Thanks everyone for the compliments...The glue is called Masters, its alot like Barges, it just has a faster drying time...dont have to wait as long for it to get real sticky
  13. When I first started I was using a exacto knife and then I sharpened a single buckstitch punch and used it kinda like a beveler...wasnt all that bad with that it just took awhile
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