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Union Level Leather

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  • Location
    South Side Va
  • Interests
    Leather work, Horse Training, Dog Training (Bird Dogs) Woodwork, Art Etc.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Horse and dog tack
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. couldn't upload? send me your email address and I will send them to you. George
  2. I have a Krebs style splitter in great condition. See images. Asking 650.00 This is a professional splitter with a top roller feature allowing for smooth and consistent skive or split. The Osborne is also in great condition, Both have sharp blades and are ready to work $450.00 for the Osborne. Postage will be extra. Only reason I'm selling is that I need a larger splitter. Give me a shout and I'll send pictures
  3. Does anybody know where to find this type of stirrup hangers?
  4. Is your clicker still available? If so can you give me info on it please. Thanks in advance, George
  5. Can you tell me more about the clicker? single phase, 3 phase? Converter? how many ton? price? i live in southside va I’m very interested in the clicker press.
  6. Hi Rachal, you can buy a brand new Consew 206rb5 for about 1450.00 minutes Zamir sewing on eBay the foot lift 9/16” or 14.25mm you’ll need a speed reducer but off hand I can’t think how much they cost. consew makes premier series also. you an also check with Bob at Toledo sewing machines. good luck
  7. Good morning Friends, Does anyone know where to buy bronze or stainless steel frames / Trees and boards for trooper saddles?
  8. If you still have the clicker I’ll consider buying it, I’m south side VA
  9. 500.00 you ship
  10. What’s your bottom line?
  11. I’ll give 450.00 for it...
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