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Everything posted by Tpsorion

  1. Very nice design and love the way you incorporated the stitching of the body of the dragon fly into the border color. Nice logo inlay.
  2. Brilliant idea and a beautiful way to display something. Nice work!
  3. Welcome glad to have you on the board.
  4. I have not had a lot of time to work on any projects recently but here is my little piece of heaven...
  5. Very beautiful roses. Your work is wonderful!
  6. Very nice work. The detail in the carving is awesome.
  7. Tpsorion


    All I can say is WOW!!!!! That is beautiful work.
  8. Welcome, you have found a great place.
  9. Thanks, the knot coloring is a paint. Eco-flo Cova color. Thanks for the comments ArtS. I had fun working on it.
  10. Welcome to the forum Wolfsax.
  11. Tpsorion


    Welcome to the board! Can't wait to see some of your work.
  12. Very nice work, the color, the border, all of it. You did a great job on the basket weave. I agree with ETW Grumpy, we are always harder on ourselves.
  13. Here is the Celtic wallet that I have been working on. Just finished lacing it tonight. The knot colored using purple and green Eco-flo cova colors on a tan background.
  14. Rusty, the carving looks good to me. Welcome to the forum.
  15. Love the tank cover the color work is awesome! Sorry to hear about the the tooth ache - I feel your pain - I am on my third trip to the dentist in a week.
  16. Very nice and great detail.
  17. Tpsorion

    Coaster Set

    They look great. Nice pattern work.
  18. Very creative and cool. Love the colors. Thanks for sharing your talents.
  19. Nice site, thanks for sharing the pics. Nice work. I think there is a typo in the address above. I changed the spelling to match your leatherworker ID and it worked.
  20. I use either a spray bottle with water or a sponge. I spray it lightly then when the color is almost back to the original color I tool it.
  21. Welcome to the board. Coffee and leather, two of my favorite things! I look forward to seeing some of your work. I have not yet learned how to make leather roses, someday I will. again, welcome Tpsorion
  22. Very nice cover. Great work.
  23. Very nice. I love the little details like the concho on the bottom.
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