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Everything posted by stampingdelight

  1. wanted to ask can one by chance use a normal industrial sewing machine to put soles back on boots. any help would be great thanks
  2. wanting to get peoples thoughts on what to use on leather boots that are already dyed. wanting to keep in good condition & was reading mink oil is bad, along with neatsfoot compound, Checking what other people use for not sure of what kind of leather, are style like worn to the renaissance fair for really like the style.
  3. I know 9mm is smaller to 12mm my questions is how much more when looking a a normal ruler. I have 2 double cape 12mm left over from a project & wanted to get idea on how much smaller the 9mm is compaired to it, anyone have a photo of the 2 side by side?
  4. @fredk no issues some colors can look like others at times, with lighting & such. to be fair turquoise is close to blue
  5. not run into all listed anyone ever get a patten that once you cut out is a little off? not sure if the pattern or cutting out yet I fallow the line so not sure
  6. @fredk turquoise & will look in to that
  7. made another hat
  8. what kind is that airbrush
  9. k thanks and how does one know if dye is alcohol based for did not see anything on fiebing saying alcohol or are all fiebings alcohol based? will check out the airbrush
  10. @James1 do you happen to have a photo of item done with the royal blue leather if you do not mind
  11. has anyone dyed with fiebing light blue dye or royal blue dye wanted to get idea of what looked like on leather. looked on here did not see anything & was looking online yet not seeing exact answer.
  12. @fredk have to keep in mind to try
  13. hello wantin to make a friend a leather hat yet I am not sure how to break down circumference of there head to be albe to make a pattern, any tips on how one breaks it down into how long & wide to make the pattern? not finding any info here when did search and not seeing anythng online other that how to know your hat size yet nothing on how pattern is made.
  14. how cool to be able to clean up tools so well, what kind of acid
  15. 1st try at making mystery braid 5 strand was not sure how would turn out as was braiding
  16. thanks you
  17. thank you
  18. if used & you are pickin up turn on and try out to make sure works
  19. thank you am happy how turned out for 1st hat, even if I might notice some flaw or flaws something I am sure other people who makes items can see in own projects yet otheres do not see. with you saying not all leather is the same, I am sure each hat might not come out as nice, still looking at adding the edge around the brim just not sure if might make it not look as nice if I do so. I am sure the more you work with leather the more you notice each hide is not the same & some you might plan to make one item yet is more suited for other item.
  20. got around to dyeing my leather hat was not planning to go as dark, yet kind of grows on a person the more I look at it the more I like how it turned out. Not sure if other people have the same happen where you go for one color get another & lke how it turns out in the end.
  21. was wanting to make a 3 strand mystery braid 22 1/2 long to 23" long I was trying to come up with how long the total length would need to be on the piece of leather.
  22. wanted to try my hand at block dyeing, yet the videos I see feels like I are missing a step. for the project I see is 2 color or one color with veggie leather not dyed. is it just wrapping cloth (not sure if can be any fabric like old t shirt) over block of wood. put dye on give movement to soak in touch of paper towel or other piece of leather to get extra dye off before wipping over leather project you want to dye. or does one need to put a coating of somthing over the leather area you do not want dyed, trying to get some help in the area
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