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Everything posted by BeltFanDan

  1. I picked up one of those tools dirt cheap and I still feel ripped off. The holes it makes are way too big compared to the size of the thread it comes with. I'm just going to hand stitch or buy a machine.
  2. If I provide my own vectorized graphic for the stamp design can someone here make it? Seems everywhere I look, they offer cookie cutter designs. I'd like something custom.
  3. I'll check out Ohio Travel Bag, their website is HORRIBLE though. Not user friendly at all.
  4. Any vector based art program would be the most accurate but they tend to be the most costly pieces of software. You could use Illustrator, but I am from the dying breed that uses CorelDraw. You can download a 30 day trial of CorelDraw from their website. That might be enough time for you to import your current jpg and bitmap templates into the program and use trace to vectorize them.
  5. The new 1.6 versions of Java should be able to emulate the older versions. We do have some custom written applications at work that will not function on the new JRE. In this case, uninstall ALL the JRE versions. Then install the oldest versions needed for your propriatery programs first, then finish with 1.6. But for 99% of people, uninstall them ALL, then open windows explorer and delete the C:\program files\java folder Reboot Then when you are back online, go to the Sun site and download and install the newest version and you should be set.
  6. Thanks. I guess I'm looking to find out who sells snaps besides Tandy leather. I'm not looking for any site that resells Tandy's brand.
  7. It seems Tandy's line 24 snaps only have 1/4 inch posts. Does anyone know who sells brass 3/8 or 1/2 post line 24 snaps?
  8. Is there a good instructional guide or youtube video on how to use Tandy's rapid rivets? As usual I'm having trouble. Thanks
  9. Yes, I know the setter needs to be straight. Seems like the post doesn't want to fold over though.
  10. I don't think they are even long enough, I been looking for longer snaps, as the female snaps tend to pull off sometimes because there is not enough post folded over when they do hammer down correctly.
  11. I am using Tandy Leather line 24 5/16th snaps on a project. They are being used on 8oz leather. The problem I am having is that I need about 20 snaps for a 10 snap job. I have the snap anvil and setter tool, but it seems like everytime I hammer down, I am bending the post in a direction instead of pushing the tip of the snap to fold over and hold on the snap piece. I am having this problem on the female snap parts. Male snaps I have no problem with. Any ideas or suggestions? Video links, how to's, etc are appreciated. I thought it was pretty simple but it isn't working for me.
  12. That is great. I have been dealing with Dave and Ed for years. I had no idea you worked with them. I probably have owned numerous belts you did. How old is that picture?
  13. Luke, only certain belts use lacing such as the Domed Globe and Hogan 84 which is what you posted. In the future I would like to do lacing but I'm starting with regular tooling right now. Would you mind sharing with me where you got those plates from?
  14. Hello; I'm another noob to the site and leatherworking so go easy on me. I've been doing leather straps for championship title belts as a side hobby. I seem to the general idea down but could use some advice. First problems is straight edges. I use a box cutter and straight edge to cut the strap. I am using either 7/8 or 8/9 oz Live Oak tooling shoulders. I am human so sometimes when I cut the strap out, there are places where it is not as straight as I would like. There seems to be many tools on how to straighten it out but I am confused and would like expert advice on how to straighten it out. My next problem is the edges themselves. I would like to give a rounded edge to the straps. I've seen various tools that do this. I have a #3 and #4 Keen Edger tool from Tandy but I don't think I'm using it correctly. Again, advice please. Am I using the incorrect tools or I'm just clueless as to how to use it. The 3rd issue is beveling. Here is the edge I did: I would like to bevel the inside of all me edges similar to how Reggie Parks does it on his straps seen here I have a few bevel tools but again, I think I'm using them incorrectly. The only way I can get a smooth bevel like that, is by putting the toe of the tool in the line and manually dragging it with pressure. If I try hammering the tool, I am left with various impression marks instead of a uniform bevel. Again, my inexperience showing up. I've watch tons of tooling videos on youtube and other sites and try to do what they teach but it seems I am doing something wrong. Also, Edge Kote. What is the deal with it? I was advised I should use it. I'm putting 1-2oz black garment leather on the back of the belt. I thought Edge Kote was a thicker substance that would make the edges look like one clean piece. To me it just seems like a bottle of dye which I could just do to the strap when I dye it. Did I get a bad bottle? Wrong product? Again, please be paitent on me as I'm stumbling my way through most of this. Thanks.
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