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RMB Custom Leather

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Everything posted by RMB Custom Leather

  1. New holster clip http://www.bluegunst...products_id=186 New Bluegun http://www.bluegunst...products_id=184 Pay close attention when buying a P238 Bluegun because there are two versions and they are different sizes. Look for the 27A in the serial number or measure the slide width of the real gun to determine which one your customer has. I have indicated this on the bluegun posting. Blueguns are in the process of molding the 13/16" wide slide with crimson trace which is the newer version now so it will be coming out soon. New version http://www.bluegunst...&products_id=59 Old version 27A http://www.bluegunst...products_id=185 New version with crimson trace coming soon! Old version 27A http://www.bluegunst...&products_id=86 Black hardware coming soon! Please take time to take a look at my hardware survey here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDRPT1VYSHdqTlJzYkhqZTFQUXRzNnc6MQ#gid=0. This will influence what items I will be adding to the site.
  2. Hello everyone! Please take my hardware survey here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDRPT1VYSHdqTlJzYkhqZTFQUXRzNnc6MQ#gid=0. This will influence what items I will be adding to the site. No need to post on this thread just click on the link and the information will get to me. Thank you!
  3. The S&W M&P Shield's are now shipping and you can go here to place your order http://www.rmbcl.com...n-sw-mp-shield/ . If you have any difficulties with the site please let me know.
  4. Yes here is the C/L http://www.rmbcl.com/item-32087-blue-gun-fspx9105mlcl-springfield-operator-cocked-locked-5/ . Actually the product at the top of the page is some type of page slider of the product before and after the one showing, I am not a fan of that and have removed it once but it now has shown up again after an update.
  5. Not sure how close it is but the Springfield Operator is close because I have made a holster and used it, if I have the right Sig in mind. The customer was happy with it but not really sure how close of a mold your wanting on the holster. Here is the mold I am talking about Springfield Operator
  6. I have used Kydex and made my own metal ones but I now buy them in bulk. I have alot in stock if you haven't found some, click below if you want to take a look.
  7. Can someone please contact me about a banner ad? 704-762-1614 or email Name: Rob UserName: RMB Custom Leather IP Address: Email Address: rob@rmbblades.com
  8. Yea just noticed that the way my shipping is done that I will have to list it as lots of 12 otherwise the shipping will be high but I can get a bulk price if anyone wanted it.
  9. Take a look http://www.rmbcl.com/clip6-19-metal-holster-clip-black-powder-coated-made-in-usa/ , http://www.rmbcl.com/clip6-20-metal-holster-clip-black-powder-coated-finish-made-in-usa/
  11. My largest order to date just arrived so if you are in need of a Bluegun and fast shipping take a look at my new site www.rmbcl.com . If it shows an on hand amount then I have them on hand and will ship out the same day in most cases (USPS says 3-5 days) (new site only). If there is not an on hand stock shown then you can still purchase the gun but the shipping will be 7-10 BUSINESS days. If you need help live chat or email me.
  12. I recently used the the .45 Khar bluegun and it worked fine for me, customer was happy, not sure if it will work for you tho here it is http://www.rmbcl.com/item-35154-blue-gun-fskpm45-kahr-pm45/
  13. contact me to give me a quote on doing a top banner for my blueguns Name: Rob UserName: RMB Custom Leather IP Address: Email Address: rob@rmbcl.com
  14. UPDATE: new site is up and running again with some new features. Stock is now showing and is up to date so if it shows in stock it is which would mean 3-5 days shipping. if it doesn't show in stock it will be usually 7-10 business days shipping. If you order multiple guns the ones in stock ship then and the others will be ordered and shipped asap. I still would love to hear from you all but now if you wanted to just check the site you should be able to get an idea of shipping times because of the up to date shock now showing. I will continue to increase my on hand stock as needed and am now still waiting on a large shipment so keep a check. I you see a problem with the new site please let me know because I am still working on off/on. THIS ONLY APPLIES TO THE NEW SITE! www.rmbcl.com
  15. UPDATE: new site is up and running again with some new features. Stock is now showing and is up to date so if it shows in stock it is which would mean 3-5 days shipping. if it doesn't show in stock it will be usually 7-10 business days shipping. If you order multiple guns the ones in stock ship then and the others will be ordered and shipped asap. I still would love to hear from you all but now if you wanted to just check the site you should be able to get an idea of shipping times because of the up to date shock now showing. I will continue to increase my on hand stock as needed and am now still waiting on a large shipment so keep a check. I you see a problem with the new site please let me know because I am still working on off/on.
  16. Blueguns has added 5 new models that are now available, see below. FSLCPLL RUGER LCP W/LASERLYTE FSSWMP40-TLR1 S&W M&P 40 W/TLR-1 FSCAR CARACAL FSPK380 WALTHER PK380 FSTMP140 MILLENIUM PRO 140 My new site is down so please bear with me as I work out a few issues with it. You can still order off the old site below or email me at the address below.
  17. I have everything showing again should work normal.
  18. Having new site problems, items missing. The best way to find a gun you want is to type it into the search window instead of clicking the Blueguns category. Sorry for the mishap and I am working on fixing it.
  19. I order all my guns without the top coat unless the customer requests it, and as far as I know everyone has got it without the top coat unless they slipped in a few here or there. You can order guns blue, black, or period gun painting + $20, You can also order them in the weighted version which is weighted to the actual weight of the real gun + $20 more on my site. My new site has the drop down boxes that will ask you what you want www.rmbcl.com . They are correct about how to get the top coat off if you already have some with the coating. Hope that helps.
  20. I want to drop everyone a line and update you on theprogress of my new site www.rmbcl.com . All of my blueguns and maker supplies can befound there and some have already started going to my new site. The old site will still be up and the .comname will eventually be forwarded to the new site when I get all my other itemsadded. If you order from the old site itstill will be processed. Below are somenew features to www.rmbcl.com that may beuseful for my customers. Audio – I have the ability to post audio that plays whenyou open the site. Don’t worry you canstop it by clicking the pause button on the audio player. I plan to post some audio messages in thefuture but wanted to test it with the song. Live chat – The new site will have live chat. You can see if I am online by the “live chat”balloon at the bottom right of each screen. You can chat live if I am online to check stock or leaveme an offline message which sends an email to me. As long as the software stays reliable I planto keep this feature. Bulk Discount from site - You can now receive your bulkdiscount of 5% off your grand total if you purchase 12 or more guns right fromthe site by entering coupon code “ BLUEGUNS ”. The coupon code has to be entered exactly like mentioned without thequotes of course. If you have problemsplease contact me. This must be done attime of original purchase to receive the discount. Live search – The new site has live search to help youfind the items you need without spending a lot of time searching throughseveral pages. The neat thing about the search box is that you do nothave to click search or even hit enter to search, it starts searching as youtype. Make sure that you do not hit enter after you enter whatyou want to search otherwise it will forward you to the product page, did itmyself the first time. Newsletter – Please sign up for my news letter (rightside of homepage) because this is how I plan to communicate with my customersas far as sharing information and promotions. I do not have time or want to blowup your email with junk so don’t be afraid of signingup. I will only send an email here or there when I need to share usefulinformation like new models or if I am doing some type of promotion likesomething free with your purchase. Resources menu – At the top of the site you will see aresources menu, under this menu is where I will post downloads for bluegunslike parts lists, catalogs, top sellers ect. I will also post the most up-to-date shipping time here because as weknow it sometimes will fluctuate if you have ordered something that is beingdrop shipped. On hand stock – This is still a work in progress evenwith the new site because of how the stock is handled. The new site doesn’t have an in stock listedinstead it has a drop down box that says “Drop ship if not in stock”(yes/no). If you are in a rush check vialive chat or leave me an offline message which will email me to checkstock. If you need the gun regardless ofthe shipping time choose yes to the drop ship, if out of stock option. If I have it on hand it ships immediately, ifnot it’s ordered with bluguns immediately to be shipped directly to you. I have added several models to my in stockand my goal is to increase it until drop shipping is rare. Shipping - Thishas been a challenge with the new site but I have the domestic shipping in line with my old site so far. International customers will still have tocontact me to arrange shipping for now, but I am working on it. Shipping for magazines has to be the same asa gun on the new site so I would suggest ordering mags with a gun so it willonly be the extra $3 to add an item on appose to the full charge of $7.99. I am working on a resolution to the mags. I get charged the same amount to drop ship amag as I do to ship a gun. That is whythere is an issue with the mag shipping. I plan to start stocking more mags in the future to eliminate thisissue. Thank you for your patience while I learn how to build a site; and actually build a site at the same time. Sorry to be so long, I will now get to entering all myother items
  21. Thanks yea have along way to go and its alot of work but hopefully it will be better when its done. I was able to get the live chat working again so drop by and see if I am on sometime.
  22. I am still working on my new site and I have put live chat on it. If you want to check my Bluegun stock please check and see if I am on live chat, I need to test it out plus it is faster. You can go here to see if I am online www.rmbcl.com click on "Live Help" (at bottom of page) if I am offline it will say so there.....well just checked and it seems to be acting up but anyway try checking with me there if its working it will be good.
  23. Well everyone hold on a little longer on my new site, ran an update and it trashed it so I guess I have to start over.
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