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Status Updates posted by RockyAussie

  1. Private message mistake


  2. Hi Wizcrafts, After 25 years or so of contract making stuff for all sorts, we (my wife and I) have made up a web page to go online and with any luck hope to obtain some better profit margin. I know you are way, way, waaaay more up on the computer side of things than I am and would like your opinion on our new site. I am thinking of putting it on my profile as I see some others do on here as well. Whenever we do new croc products we often make quite a few beforehand in leather to get the techniques sorted out. As we don't have a shop as such and are tucked away in the bush out of town this web think may be the best way to recoup some costs. Any advise as to how to get things rolling would be most appreciated. If you would prefer not to, That's OK I won't be offended. Note - I have sent the same question to Mikesc as well and If you think anyone else would be good for advise please let me know. Here is the link I hope. Regards Brian https://wildharry.com.au/

    1. Wizcrafts


      Am I correct in assuming that the website in your link belongs to you? Or is it a competitor being used as an example? If it is your website, it looks good and has Lazy Loading of the image blocks, plus it is responsive to different screen sizes. Further, the site is on https and has a working SSL connection, which is imperative for an eCommerce website.

      There is an unfortunate second vertical scrollbar on the right side of the viewport, in my Firefox 49.0.2 browser. It appears at 1023px and under and disappears at 1024px and above. It is probably caused by a poor choice of a height declaration in the CSS file. This is undoubtedly a breakpoint declaration that uses an @media rule. You should hunt down that rule and fix whatever is causing the unnecessary vertical scrollbar.

      Again, working on the assumption that it is your domain, you can advertise it via a Google Adwords campaign and might further monetize it by becoming an AdSense Publisher, displaying ads for other related websites.

      Other than that, what would you like to know specifically?

    2. RockyAussie


      Thanks for such a quick and no doubt helpful answer. Yes it is my new site, and I will get my computer guy to look at and hopefully fix the points you have mentioned on Monday. The Lazy Loading thing has me worried - Is that bad? I unfortunately have no idea as yet what the Google Adwords campaign and the other stuff is but I now know what to look into and thanks very much for your help. Regards Brian

  3. Hi LumpenDoodle2

    Glad to see someone else is exploring 3d printing world as well. I cant wait to see some guns and knives and other useful jigs and molds on thingiverse. I have attached a link to it in case you don,t know of it.Like your site to by the way.http://www.thingiverse.com/

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    2. LumpenDoodle2


      Ahh... Don't worry, it will be me pressing the wrong button or something.

      I'm pretty new at this 3D game, and got myself a CTC Chinese knock off of a Makerbot, and love it.  I also love Thingiverse, and printed out the Colt Walker.   Very impressed.  What machine are you using?

      Well, better get myself away and working.


    3. RockyAussie


      I picked up a second hand prusa i3 on ebay for $400 about 6months ago.
      I have been using Auto Cad for years to do my patterns for the knife makers, so it was just a bit of learning how to think and draw in 3d. Until I got it I had no idea how many applications it would come in useful for. You have done well picking up something like the Makerbot. Time allowing I am planning on making myself my own variation of the Makerbot. Testing for jewellery designs size etc has been so much easier now. See my first bracelet design now going well in the shops here and a few others.



    4. LumpenDoodle2


      Very nice, I'm impressed.

      And I remember when prusa mendels were fairly new technology, and the most exciting things being printed were clothes pegs, and coat hooks.

      Things have really moved on in the last 5 years.

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